Need to loose weight DR.s orders


New member
my doctor wants me to loose some weight im am around 50 lbs over weight so its not incredibally much i am a 15 year old male and i am currently limiting myself to 1500 calories a day and not much bread and at least and hour of exercise a day i was getting some results but they stopped any suggestions ?
Probably you're eating too few calories.

What are you eating each day - can you give us an idea of your average daily menu?

Also what kind of exercise are you doing?
umm probably a bowl of cereal in the morning a sandwich or a salad for lunch ( oil based dressing) and dinner is what ever my mom feels like making but she usually doesn't make anything to large and i usually do an hour of mountain biking after my cereal on the morning its the only exercise i actually enjoy doing
i need to make a sticky post about diet. every single time it's the same thing. way too many carbs, not enough calories...

so ya, you're eating too many carbs, and not enough calories. or so i'm seeing from the little bit you've mentioned.

shoot for a 40-50% carbs, 20-30% fats and 20-30% protein macro split. about 2000 calories a day would prob be a good starting point. might need more depending.
can you explain this carbs and calorie thing? arent carbs calories? isnt everything you eat a calorie? what should i do cut out potatoes, bread or what? what proportion should i give my thirteen yeard old son- more protin or what/. I am doing somehting wrong as its not working. typical day is
fat free saussage (I know this is a bad start but doesnt seem to eat anything esle and at least its not sugar cereal)
lunch- pitta bread with ham OR covent garden soup with loads of bread, (that is naughtty too but i dont realise how much i still let my son dictate his diet when he shouldnt be doing some things he still does)
dinner- new potatoes, plaice fried up in a pan with olive oil.
pudding- fruit salad or sorbet lolly or low fat lolly.
snack- apples and cheese.

this must not be good right? its the average day. oh and LOTS of fruit juices- its either that or water- i know i should give more water.
i know this doesnt sound ideal but compared to our last eating habits its revolutionised- our last routine was- fatty full fat sausagges- chips and chicken dippers, ice cream, loads of take aways- you name it if it had fat in it my son would be drawn to it until thats all he would accept to eat- so we have turned a lot round- i just think as the weight still isnt shifting i have to obviosly do more, wuld appreciate your help!
Lots of fruit juice is really bad. You might as well be giving him soda at that point.

But while calories are calories, studies have shown that higher protein diets tend to be more filling and be better for calorie burning. (I.e. higher protein with 2000 calories might lose the same amount as lower protein and 1800 calories). High protein doesn't mean all protein - a general rule of thumb is about 1g of protein per pound of target bodyweight works.

Also, starches & sugars can cause an insulin reaction which can make you hungrier (among other things). Which is one more reason why the fruit juice is a problem. Most of the carbs your son gets should be from fruit (including the flesh & pulp of the fruit) and vegetables. High fiber breads & pasta are okay in moderate quantities.

Saturated fats are bad, but unsaturated fat (as in olive oil and avocados) is actually good, so replacing fat with sugar and starches may not be the best trade off.

Just cutting the fruit juice alone would be a good start, but adding in more lean proteins and getting away from tons of starches would probably help as well.
As a side note - if your son really does love & crave fat, you might really want to consider seeing how he feels about avocados. They're a healthy way to fill the fat craving. Salads with olive oil & vinegar dressing are another way. You may also try hummus - my sweetie who in general hates veggies actually really likes celery with hummus (chick peas + garlic + olive oil).

Instead of just trying to cut all fats out of your sons diet, try working with the healthy ones.
Jynus - I agree, but you know, no one reads the stickies anyway unless you smack 'em in the face with 'em. :)

I digress - back to the question at hand.

Yes, carbs are calories. Fat is calories. Protein is calories. But they're all part of the whole. Look at it this way: Think about a recipe for, say tuna casserole. The whole thing is a casserole, right? But the casserole has parts. 1/3 of it is noodles (carbs). 1/3 of it is tuna (protein). 1/6 of it is oh, let's say sour cream (fat). And 1/6 of it is let's say mushroom soup (fat and carbs). Right? So the carbs and fat and protein are parts of the whole.

Your diet is the same way. Ideally you want about 40% of the calories you consume to come from carbs. You want another 30% of the calories you consume to come from protein. You want the final 30% of what you consume to come from healthy fat.

So how do you know what your percentages are? You use something like or - and you enter your food. Not only will it total your calories, but it will tell you what percentage of your calories are from carbs, from protein, and from fat. After you do this for a while, you'll start to get a feel for what the foods you eat regularly are and you wont' have to rely on the website so much.

Now, the other thing to address is the whole fruit juice issue. Drinking fruit juice, when you're trying to lose weight, is no better than drinking soda. Yes, it's healthier because you get some nutrients, but juice is PURE SUGAR. It's all the sugar and sweet from the fruit condensed into drinkable form ... and all the good fiber and bulk that is the biggest benefit from eating whole fruit is thrown away. And because it's pure sugar, it's tons of calories. I know all kinds of people who say "but I'm drinking a lot of juice - it's healthy" and it turns out that they're drinking 1000 calories a day in fruit juice and not even realizing it.

Your diet as you describe it (or your son's as the case may be) needs more protein, TONS more fruit and veggies, and a lot less of things like potatoes, pita, and juice.
i need to make a sticky post about diet. every single time it's the same thing. way too many carbs, not enough calories...

so ya, you're eating too many carbs, and not enough calories. or so i'm seeing from the little bit you've mentioned.

shoot for a 40-50% carbs, 20-30% fats and 20-30% protein macro split. about 2000 calories a day would prob be a good starting point. might need more depending.
usually the only thing i eat for carbs is cerial : maybe a small snadwish or pida but usually a salad
to jeanette

i think cola is much higher sugar content than fruit juice, but respect your voice there and understand where you are coming on- i deffo have to work on a replacement- any suggestions? have tried some cordial mixed with fizzy spring water- what do you think?
have had MAJOR review on our eating patterns- sepcifically mine- i am not over weight but do have alump on my stomach i want to get rid of- this is from ice creams etc every day (WAY too much and too often) doctors etc wouldnt say i am overweight but i know this lumop should go- it hurst where im not used to it and its unnecessary-0 i have had major review and acepted i jave been addicted to sugra for many many years now- i have to accpet its not something i can take or leave- i cant just have an ice cream or cream caramel for pudding- a couple fo hours later i owld be hankering for me- and before long i am rushing through dinner again- eating very little just so i cabn fill my face with comforting ice cream and caramel- creamy and milky and sugary stuff i crave- not high powered stuff- but sugar none the less- it came to a head when i realised my whole evening was ruined et again by gas, wind and bloating- feeling sugar ferment in my intestives gurgling up and down its pipes- destroying my digestive system- puffing my lump of a stomach even more and destroying my figure- making me want to break wind in stupendous fashion every five minutes- just as well be fermenting yeast in my intestines-
so i have said to my son- id rather have two savoury meals (starter or a cheese desert with the main) than have any sugary stuff with my meal.
trouble is im so addicted i had to have two cubes of chocolate yesterday as i was going cold turkey and had a light head and headache- but todauy it will be down to one cube if i go wobbly again-or nothing withint 3 days i will feel a new p[erson- so ifeel if i cut out sugar for us both i am on my way as i think sugar is the root of all weight and kiss of death, have also changed to brown garnary bread and rted p[ots, white bread and white potatoes are also sugar triggers- fibre helps with the sugar aparantly
i think cola is much higher sugar content than fruit juice,
You think ... ? :) You see this is a big part of the problem with people who are dieting and not seeing results. They "think" a lot ... but they don't actually know and they don't bother to find out. They "think" they're eating healthily. They "think" that whatever food is ok. They "think" that juice is better than coke. :) What's really, I guess, interesting to me, is that this isn't an "I think" option. This is something that you can look up and know for sure - as a fact. And given that everyone here is on the internet, there's no excuse for them not looking it up.

Look, I'm not trying to beat up on you - but I am trying to make a point.

A 12 oz can of Coke contains 39g of sugar.
A 12 oz glass of orange juice contains 32g of sugar.
A 12 oz glass of apple juice contains 42g of sugar.
A 12 oz glass of grape juice contains 54g of sugar.
A 12 oz glass of cranberry juice contains 49.5g of sugar.

There's no "I think" about it. Fruit juice contains as much if not more sugar than a can of Coke. It's a plain, cold, hard fact.

What's a replacement for fruit juice? Water. Tea or coffee (hot or iced w/out sugar). Fizzy water or seltzer water (but double check the sodium content).

As far as the other - there are a lot of people who are sensitive to processed sugars and simple carbs. For you, it probably is a very good idea to cut out all sugars and simple carbs - at least for now until you can get it under control.

I think that will be hard becuase sugar is so much a part of our lives ... even things that you wouldn't think have sugar in them, are made with sugar. And it's often disguised under other names .... corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, etc. Be sure you read ingredients carefully when you buy your foods. The sugar will sneak up on you.
Try crystal light or G2 if he absolutely refuses water. I will say this though: I used to avoid drinking pure water for some bizzare reason I cant even comprehend anymore. I just started downing it knowing it was good for me, and after a month or so I began to enjoy it. Get a brita filter and enjoy some nice cold water.
thanyou for replys

you said that coke had 39 grms sugar and orange juice has 32- so iwas right coke did have more!
only joking- just wnding you up!
seriously- you were right about the "i think" this is healthy and its a real big problem eating stuff that you think wont put weight on but it has hidden fat or sugar- its a nightmare- whcih is why im lost really.
i think the only answer is to drink water- as its a bit boring i wont give it all the time but as he drinks a lot he will have to have some water instead. i have always taught to drink lots as its good fr you.
i drink tea or cffee but i have been sensible and not started my son off on caffeine ive said to him dont go and starts a caffeine addiction- ive got one why would i recommend one to you? so i think hes better off not starting it.
i have lost some of my stomach bum by cutting out puddings and sweet stuff but my sons tummy is still flopping over in a big lump- i know that sound cruel but it hurts me to see this- any recipe or the right food suggestion s wfrom anyone would be good i get bored of trying to think of what to eat. i am going to try this drink someone suggested.
There is an entire recipe section here for starters: Recipes - Weight Loss Forum

Then there is Kara's "food porn" blog: Kara Cooks

I am a big fan of this recipe for chicken chili:Sun-Maid Recipes - Chunky Chicken Picadillo Chili
I do cut the raisins to 1/2 cup and use the goldens and I find it is a nice balance and touch for me.

Look around for websites by companies like kraft, betty crocker, etc. Most of them have entire forums dedicated to recipes.

And personally I find 90 or 95% of what I cook is simple. A pot of the chili every week or two. Omelets when I get up in time for breakfast. I typically grill 2-3 pounds of meat a week. Pound of salmon is an easy win. Grilled chicken with a variety of glazes, rubs, etc. Chicken fajitas are so easy once you find spices you like it is criminal to go anywhere for them. Burgers. Grill veggies. Oh god, try a little olive oil on something like squash disks and then hit em with a tiny bit of sea salt, some oregano, and some marjoram.
