need to improve my run times

im working on going to BUD/S (navy SEAL training) pretty much have to run a marithon to pass the physical test. 500yd swim in 12:30 or better 10min rest, then min. 42 push ups in 2mins with 2 min rest, then min. 50 sit ups in 2mins with a 2min rest and min. 6 pull upsno time, 10min rest then a 1 1/2 mi. run in 11:30. i have no problems with that. the run is what's killing me. i have to run the 1 1/2 mi. in boots and pants. my best 1 1/2 is 11:00 in trail shoes , and shorts, in boots and pants my best is 12:50 so i have to cut atleast 1:20 off of that. today did the swim changed and when straight to the run in shoes and shorts and ran in 12:40.

my question is what would be the best way to get that time down i've heard running 3 mi. daily will do it. i am supposed to take the physical test on the 17th of this month which is next thursday i doubt my time will improve that much in a week and a half.

so what is a realalistic time to expect to get my time where it needs to be? and any suggestions on a running routine to get my time there.

thank you for readng. and please excuse any spelling errors.
Hi Skyline, running fast has a technique to master. for your case, Try this technique which i often used to maintenance fast pace on road and hill.
Do a jog in place with you boots, lift your leg high so that right heel level with left knee and vice-versa, jog at a pace of 160(left=80, right=80) time per min. if your legs are not fatigue then continue for for 5 mins. rest for 2 mins by walking around and repeat. Do 1 in morning and 1 in evening. Always landing with a slight bend of your knee and shold be landing soft and quiet.
If you don't get sore muscle the next day then increase to 200 times/min or you can go faster.
Remember maintain high lift at all time.
but for how long and how may sets? if i rest for 2 minutes then do it again is that it or do i do this 4 or 5 times or just until i can no longer do them?
Sorry for late reply.
To get started, do 1 min per set for 4 sets. 2 times a day.
if you get sore muscle the next day, stop here and continue your normal workout. if your are still strong. cont.. as follow.
set 1 = 1min 180x
set 2 = 1min 200x
set 3 = 1min 180x
set 4 = 1min 200x
Good luck