Need to get on track


New member
I am a 17 year old senior in high school. I am about 6'4" and weigh 225 lbs. I only played a sport in 9th grade, and ever since have been out of shape. I always try to commit myself to some form of exercise, weight lifting, running, playing a sport, aerobics, but am to lazy to go through with these. I want to get in shape, and hate being fat, but I can not motivate my self. Most of my weight s=is around my waist and chest, my lower body is fairly strong. I would also like to become much more athletic, and stronger. I do not beleive my weioght is due to genetics, because no one else in my family is fat.
Hey there! Welcome! I say you work off all that excess, and rock it your senior year! You can totally do it and you sound like you have a nice build to start with. (I mean that in a strictly platonic way, hehe) Lose the weight with us, one day at a time. You can totally do it, you're already young and strong. I know how it is to be the thick one in the family. Show them what you're made of, hehe.
commit yourself to visiting the forum at least once every 2 days and read up on posts and start a journal. You will find all the support you can handle. By starting a journal, you will be holding yourself accountable to reach your goals ... you can do it!