Need tips to pass hard fitness test

Hi there, Im looking for some tips on improving stamina and running time.

I have a pretty hard fitness test coming up in about 1 month (For the RAF Regt) - in order to pass I will need to run 1.5miles in 10.30 right after a 1.5 mile run as a team. In addition to this I need to get level 9.1 (aiming for level 10) on the bleep test. Lastly there is a activity called the skirmish (video below) which looks extremely hard.

I think I will find the 3 mile run and the skirmish the hardest parts, does anyone have any tips on how I can improve my running stamina and mental stamina?

Thank you all who help me out/
Do you believe that the strength basically comes from mind instead of body? If not then believe it from today. It is also true that there is a close connection between mind and body. But fact is our mind is the source of great power. Improving mental stamina can offer help with filtering information into productive avenues, and sustaining creativity and curiosity within the daily lives. Here are some tips for you to increase your mental stamina on great level.

Keep in mind that success depends on proper implementation not reading plainly. So read carefully and implement it properly:

• Read challenging material every night before bed. Reading stimulates creative analysis and develops vocabulary and thought patterns. Find literature and vocabulary you are not well versed in, to open your mind to new concepts, suggests experts for solution.

• Try to debate regarding political and economic issues with your peers regularly. A good and healthy debate would help you to prove your point can tax your mind and help it grow. Find topics of interest as well as topics you are just becoming familiar with, and discuss them in depth to learn various insights from others.

• Jog, run or bike-ride in the morning for 25 to 30 minutes each day. Being physically fit will effectively provide oxygen and nutrients to your brain that can stimulate brain functions and stamina. Sustaining good levels of health also prevents harmful toxins or malfunctions from affecting proper blood flow and oxygen to the brain.

• Play games every week that require strategy, analysis and endurance of thought, such as chess, Monopoly and/or card games, suggests experts with AARP. These games stretch mental capacity and improved mental stamina, similarly to how muscles develop strength through added stress of weight resistance.

• Eat almonds, blueberries and walnuts throughout the day. These antioxidant-rich foods lower blood sugar can improve cognition and help with sustaining consistent thoughts, say brain experts. The rich amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in the almonds and walnuts, combined with the antioxidants in the blueberries, can help your brain function optimally.

There is a close line between mind and body. So you need to take care both of your mind and body in order to increase your stamina.
Find a few rocks and ask them what they advise and what training they do on a regular basis. Rock apes are rather large and imposing, and some of the most approachable guys the service has ever produced, so they will help you.
Intervals and slow pace long duration running are best for improving base level stamina. If you have a particular target in mind practice doing that actual activity, nothing else will help more. I have three core lifts in weight training, everythign else is to support it but only doing those three regularly really shows how I am at them.
Go to ATC group near you and see if any of the tutors there can help with additional tips. They may look down their noses at you for wanting to be the RAF grunt, if they do remind them that you aren't going for the easy option and are smart enough to ask for help when needed.
Best of luck.
Thanks both of you, coincidentally I met a rock the day after I posted this, he helped me out quite abit with what to expect. Im applying for a University scholarship so hopefully they see what they want in me.