need TEA advice :)


New member
HEllo :)
I need an advice - whay tea to chose?
Have lost a bit wight again and im 70kg now :) but there is a bit problem - now when i eat something, even like cereals and milk or fruits or a proper meal i feel like all food just stuck in my stomack and even in few hours it havent moved aneywere. just feel like mu stomack is blocked.
I know that there could be some problems becouse few years ago i had Gallstones and had surgery, and now i dont have gall-bladder. but i didnt have that kind of problem all there 4 years already.
I think i need some tea to clean my body.
What you could advice?
Have anyone tried Blacburry and Acai tea?
Will accept all advices coz tea's now are so much that dont know what to take :D
Thanks :)
Take care!
Detox/cleansing teas are just laxatives. If you feel like you are blocked up and over the counter meds are not helping, then just see your doctor and talk to them.

usually people who come here asking about teas are just trying to push some junk weight loss tea.
I was looking at a possible other factor. The main one? You are frigging starving yourself.

You first posted on the 11th and it is now the 28th. So in roughly 2 weeks you have lost 11 pounds (your first post was 75kg and now you say 70kg. 2.2 x 5 is 11). At your original weight (165) the most you should have aimed to do is 1.6 pounds a week. Your body is likely reacting to the fact that you cut your calorie intake way too much (something some members mentioned to you before)
Thanks. Actualy its not that im starving myself or something like that. I am eating, just now im exercising bit more and i spend more time runing around - work just part time work as carer and that take alot of energy and help to burn bit more fat.
I feel ok, just that stomack.
I think you are. Based on your previous posts, you are kinda doing it way too fast to be healthy. I am 350ish pounds and even I shouldn't be aiming for 11 pounds in 2 weeks. The medical community says 1% of your body weight a week.

It is ultimately your choice though.