need suggestions


New member
I need some suggestions on excercising. I dont have a homegym, i dont have a membership to the YMCA or any gym, i dont have a treadmill, and there is snow on the ground outside so therefore it is very cold (20s). I had surgery on my foot in November and I am still going through therapy and i cannot run or jump too well quite yet. My foot is still getting backt o normal. I need some other suggestions on some excercising that I can do. I have tried pilates and i am just not into that...i just dont feel like i get much out of it. Is there any other suggestions as to what I can do here at home in the house to help me excercise a little bit more? thanks
I would recommend you try the tae bo tapes with Billy. They are great. Start with the beginners, obviously. It is easy to tone it down if it is too much stress on your foot. Sometimes you can check them out at the video store so you can see if you like it before you buy. The Firm tapes are also great. Look for one that does cardio with strength resistence exercises. Good luck!
Sorry to hear about your foot, One thing you could do until your foot is better, you could really work on the diet part of loosing weight. One idea that i have tried is to keep a food journal that way when you are hungry you might not eat as much knowing you have to write it down...just a thought...One idea i do at home when i dont' want to go to the gym is i got a exercise ball and there are so many great things you can do with that, and most of them don't even involve your foot, so that way you can shape many other areas of you body. Good luck!!
I have been working with the ball..that has helped some..and I tried doing the Taebo because I have some of those tapes and they are still a little much bouncing on my foot. But I need to do something...thanks for the feedback
Sorry to hear about the foot. You could actually do a solid exercise program from home. Pick up a few pairs of dumbbells from some place cheap, like wal mart. You can do exercises for each body part. If you need help with that, let me know. You can pick up a beginner's yoga DVD and a low impact cardio DVD, something like Leslie Sansone's walking DVDs or a low imapact aerobics. That way you'll cover strength, flexibility and cardio and burn plenty of calories.
have you tried Pilates? Low/ no impact and you can modify any move that might bother your foot with no problem. The one I have doesn't even use your feet - it is put out by Giam (sp?).