Need some workout advice

I'm 18 and am in pretty good shape. I am fan of workouts like the 300 workout and the Chris Chelios hour of power. I've been training pretty hard everyday since the the beginning of March and today has been my first day off.
Yesterday, I told my brother that I did the 300 workout three days in a row and he chastised me saying I need to take rest days. My question is does not having rest days really kill the progress I would have made? Am I still getting stronger from working out everyday even tho I'm not taking rest days? Are the benefits from working out 4 or 5 days a week the same as 7? Any advice or input is welcome. Thanks
I'm not familiar with those programs. However; yes rest days are important. It also depends on what muslce groups you're working on each day... but recovery time should be factored in. For example, even with the most basic strength training program, you should aim to slowly increase for weeks 1-4 and then in week 5 exercise at a much lighter weight before increasing again.
The 300 workout is : 25 pullups
50 dead lifts with 135lbs
50 pushups
50 24 inch box jumps
50 floor sweepers
50 clean and press with 36 lb kettle ball (25 each arm)
25 pullups
The object of the workout is get to get through the workout as fast as possible.
If this is my workout for monday wednesday friday, can expect to see good results even tho their is not much variation to my workout? any advice or input welcome