Generally speaking you both need to increase speed and power here. A lot of long distance type athletes make the mistake of running around a track for hours increasing the length every week. All that does is cause your joints to fall apart faster.
When a race car is put on the track, and can not perform up to par..... the driver doesn't just keep taking it around and around the track. He gives it more HORSEPOWER. Change the tires, engine fluids, alignment and so on.
Same thing should be done with you guys. You want a 2 mile run in a certain time your power must increase. Here are some basic tips (I have know idea about your current condition, so I'm keeping this pretty general)
- Carb load on workout days and take down the water stuff
- Train to increase power and endurance in the same phase of training
- Running/Sprinting is single leg motion... train unilaterally with power (jumping split squats/ plyo stepups/ HIIT sprints etc.)
- Test your run time out every 2 weeks
- Recovery is your friend so remember to stretch....foam rolls are massage if needed.....sleep man SLEEP