Need some serious help

I know that SparkErosion looks in on this forum from time to time (he last logged in on 8th April) - so it might be worth saying hello in his diary. I know that he has a fair bit of experience with psych doctors so you may have some things in common.
I you may find hypnotherapy to be very beneficial, especially to help you change your eating habits and giving you the control and will power. All about mind over matter :)
I know a few people who have used this to over come issues of bad eating habits as well as change mindset to help them loose weight.

Sounds like you are doing all the rights things. Have you tried hypnotherapy? That can help give you some control and will power over the food and lack of motivation etc...
I understand what you're going through as my mum is suffering from depression, paranoia and some hallucinations. My brother and I didn't want to go down the drugs route. So we started with hypnosis which helped a little but not completely which is unusual, so further investigations into her neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin and histamine etc..) and other nutrient levels, we found out all were too low. This effects the functioning of the brain. i.e. what she hears or sees is not what her brain perceives.
Once the test results were back we went to see a nutritionist who recommended a number of minerals vitamins etc... Which has made a difference initially, now is a waiting game as this natural way to address the deficiencies, can take up to 9-12 months to bring the levels within normal range. For more information have a look at this website
More specifically for your condition

You may be able to find a similar place more local to you in the US.
It’s hard in the meantime as living with mum can at times be stressful but we just have to be patient.
Once the levels have been brought back to we will see if she has gone back to old self, if there are still a few issues then we can have some more hypnosis sessions which should resolve things as she will be in a better frame of mind to accept the hypnosis treatment.

The medication has side effects, of course I am not saying come off your medicaiton, I suggest you if you do want to consult a nutrionist and under their supervisions along with your Doctors you may want to try this? As this way you won't have the side effects of medicaiton of putting on wieght and tiredness.