Need some school help ! any suggestions

K, i need some serious help, all my life ive been a Straight A Student!, and then highschool started and i have a 2.85 GPA...AKA..a C+ gpa

Does anyone have any suggestion on how maybe they do/ used to study and do homework? I'm also trying to get a one hour workout in. from about 7-8 and i get home at about 3:30.

anyone have any suggestions?
Heres a little thing that helped me get through High School with a 3.85 GPA.
-Study a little bit each day on a subject, don't ever procrastinate.
-Find a study place away from phones, TV's, computers and people.
-I've heard that sucking on a mint helps you concentrate, give it a shot.
Since I'm fresh out of high school and this is my first year in university, I can provide a few points:

1. Get interested in the work you do. Don't take for granted what you are learning, because once you get to university, you will wish you had it as easy as you have it now. Don't be one of those students that say Hamlet is useless and wonder why you learn about it. It isn't to learn specifically about Hamlet, but how you analyze it, comprehend it and so forth. Education itself is teaching you to be a better person; more open-minded, critical, mature and so forth. Just get right into what you are doing so you understand it as much as possible.

2. Do your homework. Most teachers don't give it out just to make you angry. The first thing you do when you get home is pee, then grab a snack and open those books. Don't go on MSN first, then to all the forums to check out what is happening. They can wait until later. Once you get your work done, look through it and see if you understand it. Maybe try and explain it to yourself as if you were some other student and you were the teacher. Are you able to grasp the full concept? Also, look for extra work to do. I can't tell you how many times I have understood the basic concept of how to do a calculus question, and then the same one comes up on a test, but it is slightly varied so I can't figure the whole thing out. This is where the total understanding comes in. You can understand or memorize how to do one thing, but that thing won't always be consistent.

3. If you really don't understand something, go and talk to the teacher during lunch or before/after class. You'd be surprised how much information they actually hold back from the whole class in order to simplify things. They can give you some good pointers and how to remember things or just provide a better explanation.

4. Make sure you hang out with the right crowd. I'm not saying to purposely ignore someone, but make sure the people who you eat lunch with and hang out with after school are those that share the same interest of doing well in school. You can do assignments together, study and even edit each other's work. It makes a world of difference.

5. The last thing I can tell you is that when on forums such as this one, think of it as an English teacher. Try to construct full and proper sentences, watch your spelling, as well as your grammar. You may not realize it, but it is great practice for the real class.
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Don't ever procrastinate. Set your priorities straight. What are your goals? They all sound cliche, but they are the TRUTH. I can go on and on about how they all hurt me in some way or another. I was a good student with bad study habits, and it's caught up to me in college. The sooner you learn to get your **** together, the better.
Why have your grades dropped?

Is it the work in general, or are there other things (family problems, drugs/drink, "freinds")?
I second Fly's question. Usually there is a reason for a drop in grades.

Is it that the expectations of high school are different than those of middle school? the environment? Either way, you will have to find a way to adjust to the increased demands. The suggestions listed above should be helpful.

Also, when studying, I always found it helpful to study in 20-30 min sections, with small 5 min breaks to keep my mind fresh.
yeah im kinda taking all of your advice, especially thanks to jenga, i read all 5 of your suggestions, and i think i'm just going to start following them.

i personally have a really busy schedule, i get home, homework will be done at 5 or 6ish, and then i go to the health club and workout , i leave at 7 and get home at about 8:30/9 oclock, does this lifestyle seem healthy, just homework and workout on weekdays...maybe bring out my social life on the weekends/ days off of school?

my parents told me these 4 years are the most important, already on my 2nd year, sophmore, so im just buckling down and doing what needs to get done, because i know 3 more years of hard work will pay off a lifetime.

Id also like to add that today i got home and went straight to homework =). it felt pretty good, just finishing everything by about 5 or 6 oclock...then just have the rest of the day to goof off.
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Hell yeah man. I had the exact same problem. I was on the honor roll from 3rd grade-8th grade. Every single term, never was off it. Then when I got to high school, I went from being a B student to a C- student. I couldn't figure out what happened. Alot of it, I think, was me not being prepared for the demand that is put on you in high school.

My problem was, I didn't wake up and realise these things until the year was done. I didn't make the honor roll any term, I failed a class for first time in my life. Also, in my school, below a 65 is failing. I got a 65 dead on for the year in Biology. Anything less and I would have had to go to summer school for it.

This year (sophmore) my grades are great. I'm 10 points higher than I've ever been in Spanish, Math I'm pumping 90's like it's no problem (haven't gotten a 90 on a math test since like 7th grade) and so on. I actually think I might make the honor roll for the first time in my high school career. (grades close Friday)

Some things that are helping me this year I think are ...

1. Sleep!!! Last year I got between 3 and 5 hours of sleep. This year I've been trying to get between 5-7 and plan on getting even more in the next month as wrestling will start soon.

2. Activity. Get out and do things! Last year I didn't do sh*t. I went to school, came home and did nothing. It sucked. This year, I'm gonna wrestle, I do alot of volunteer work, and I'm part of a club. :) Join a sports team, club, or extra curricular activity. Anything that gets you out of the house and socializing with other kids.

3. Working out. It has greatly helped me this year. It has given me a ton of self esteem that I feel I lacked last year. Maybe not working out will help you, but try to get your self-esteem up as much as you can. That is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.

4. Pay attention in class. Last year, I fell asleep legit in alot of classes, or just didn't pay attention in any class. So far this year, I do my best to pay attention in every class and have only fallen asleep a few times. In history, I haven't picked up the book once to study and haven't gotten anything less than an 80 on a test. Pay attention and you will hardly have to study.

5. Do your homework fully. Don't just write things down to get them done, actually take your time to find the right answers. Believe me, it really helps you out.

There are prob more that I can't think of at the moment. But in response to your last post... Yes it's good to do your school work and workout. Weekdays I would say is fine for that. For the weekends, you need to get out. Force yourself into something that you will enjoy and meet people, and if that particular group meets during the week, that's fine. Some people say that school is the most important. Sure, but remember that your social life is almost as important. I hope these things will help you, the above really has helped me thus far. All of them combined, I feel, has helped my grades in one way or another. Good luck. :)
Don't know if someone's said this yet but being in my final year i can tell you that you should always try your best in class, do homework/study as often as you can and start your assignments as soon as you possibly can! You can still workout and fit in a good social life amongst all this as well, just make sure you get your stuff done during the week and leave the weekend free and don't leave assignments to the last minute!

Looking back, i only wish i could go over the last 10 months of my schooling life and take my own advice.

On a related note, i just had my last class this afternoon, exams start tomorrow and run through til next friday then we have one week left of school (we don't have classes in the last week) and then after that we have SCHOOLIES!!!! - If you're not Australian you probably don't know what this is but yeah i'm procrastinating a bit here.

Back on topic:
My advice - apart from what i've just said, take everyone else's and my advice and us it.
yeah im kinda taking all of your advice, especially thanks to jenga, i read all 5 of your suggestions, and i think i'm just going to start following them.

i personally have a really busy schedule, i get home, homework will be done at 5 or 6ish, and then i go to the health club and workout , i leave at 7 and get home at about 8:30/9 oclock, does this lifestyle seem healthy, just homework and workout on weekdays...maybe bring out my social life on the weekends/ days off of school?

my parents told me these 4 years are the most important, already on my 2nd year, sophmore, so im just buckling down and doing what needs to get done, because i know 3 more years of hard work will pay off a lifetime.

Id also like to add that today i got home and went straight to homework =). it felt pretty good, just finishing everything by about 5 or 6 oclock...then just have the rest of the day to goof off.
It's no problem at all. I just like the idea of being able to help someone with the next few years of their life with only a few minutes of mine.

As for getting your homework done right away--good job! It does feel great and the more you do it the better you feel and sooner or later it will just become a habit.

Another thing that actual helps, is staying busy. If you are working out and join a club or two, you begin to value time much more since you have less of it. Because of this, you go and get the things you need to get done right away. It really is a beautiful thing!
your parents are right, your HS years set the tone for the rest of your life. Talk to your teachers and se where you can improve grade wise.

I wish I did better in HS, I had to bust my butt to get through college because I slacked off in HS, I did it and I paid my own way through, but I wish I ahd studied harder in HS and had a scholarship, but I didn't and took the long and hard way through college.

Trust me I am on my kids cases to do well in school, they may hate me now, but will thank me when they get older.

School work is like being in shape, only YOU can do it and it will benefit you the more you pay attention to detail. Your diet equals your studies, your classes are your routines. they will shape and mold you.