Weight-Loss Need some pork FACTS



New member
Ok I am thinking of making pork chops boneless for dinner but here is my therory if I boil them 1st in some seasoing to boil some of the fat off for say about 10 minutes then put them in a zipplock with more seasoning will the fat intaake be lower than whtas listed?
Here is the nutrion facts
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size
3 oz (85.0 g) 1 chop, excluding refuse (yield from 1 raw chop, with refuse, weighing 113 g) (71.0 g)

Amount Per Serving
Calories 164 Calories from Fat 51
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 5.7g9%
Saturated Fat 1.9g9%
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.5g
Monounsaturated Fat 2.5g
Cholesterol 78mg26%
Sodium 48mg2%
Total Carbohydrates 0.0g0%
Protein 26.5g

Vitamin A 0% • Vitamin C 1%
Calcium 2% • Iron 6%

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
I plan to EAT 2 so thats why I am trying to keep track of the FAT 11 grams is alot to me for meat?
Saturated fat is a bigger concern than actual fat... that's the stuff that clogs your arteries... and the saturated fat isn't all that high in those pork chops.

Fat isn't what makes a person fat -it's excess of calories that's contributes towards that - 11 grams of fat in one meal isn't all that high...

boiling the meat before hand might lessen the fat by a small amount.. but you also might lose whatever flavor that the meat does have.

Just enjoy them...
Saturated fat is a bigger concern than actual fat... that's the stuff that clogs your arteries... and the saturated fat isn't all that high in those pork chops.

Fat isn't what makes a person fat -it's excess of calories that's contributes towards that - 11 grams of fat in one meal isn't all that high...

boiling the meat before hand might lessen the fat by a small amount.. but you also might lose whatever flavor that the meat does have.

Just enjoy them...

Ty Mal ok I will just toss them in the bag with the seasoning without boiling them 1st I was also thinking it may make them less tender if I boiled them 1st and I don't want rubber for dinner I wanted to try something new but healthy.What is your opion on barbque sauce I wouldn't mind a couple tbsp in the baggy to flavor them?
I'm really fussy about barbeque sauces, most of them are too sweet for me but it's entirely your taste -- one thing I do avoid is any product that has High Fructose Corn Syrup in it - it's often listed at Corn Syrup, HFCS, or spelled out... it's been mentioned a bunch of times on this forum, a lot by me,, and it's got nothing good for you in it... and it really should be avoided...

I read labels and only buy products that don't have it...

On Pork chops or chicken breasts, I will marinate in all sorts of things- various salad dressings - ginger soy dressing is my new favorite, or plain soy sauce, or if you like bbq sauce, thats fine - really anything you like.. prick the chop a few times wth a fork so that the marinade has a chance to really permeate the meat - pork has been engineeredto be lower in fat these days, and in doing so, a lot of flabor was removed from it...
Ty Mal I will check out the seasonings and see what I have I really need to restock with some new flavors I always use lemon pepper or natures seasoning but I like the ideal of using soy sauce ot sald dressing I see alot using italian fat free dressing for maranating chicken in.OK off to see what I can make :willy_nilly:
I prefer my pork marinades / BBQ sauces to have a bit of bite. There is one out here that mixes lemongrass and some vinegar with different peppers. Adds a bite to 'em.

Throw those bad boys on the grill. Nothing makes meat taste better than a good 'ol grilling.
I prefer my pork marinades / BBQ sauces to have a bit of bite. There is one out here that mixes lemongrass and some vinegar with different peppers. Adds a bite to 'em.

Throw those bad boys on the grill. Nothing makes meat taste better than a good 'ol grilling.

Sounds yummy I will hunt that down I the store and yeah I love the grilling taste but I did put away the grill for the season so maybe I also need to ivest in a cheapy version of the foreman grill lol.TY Tammy