Need some help


New member
Hi all,
Ok so I stared this website and I need help populating it! It is a site to buy/sell/trade new and used wedding things. I thought it would be helpful to anyone who has been married and has things they need to get rid of that might be helpful to others. Also if you have bridesmaids dresses you know you won't wear anymore (I have 4 of them!! lol) you can post them. Wedding dresses, suits, decorations, dresses in general, anything! If you have something please post. I want to get the site up and running!:)
Posting ads are always free and right now advertising your services (like nails, hair, make-up, photography, personal training, etc.) is free.
Check it out!!
There are sections for each state. I just have the homepage set to my home:)
If you have questions PM me or email at:
Thanks all and spread the word!!!
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you might want to post an ad or two on craigs list for your area...
Well I checked and I guess Craigslist frowns on posts made by competitors. So please spread the word. I am excited because I was looking for a place like this when I was planning my wedding! lol
GL and I reposted your bullitein over @ MYSPACE!I have bridal stuff (2 brides mades dresses and maybe some odds and ends.:sifone:
Racist????!!! lol Trust me, some day I will dominate the world!!!!!! muhahahahahah....erm *cough, cough* excuse me..... but for now I am focusing on USA ;)
Hi all! In case you were interested I have a myspace for the business:)
If you are interested give me a hollar:) or request! I really want to get the word out and populate the site! It's all free!:)