Sport Need some help with my diet

Sport Fitness
I'm 16 years old, and have about 57 kilos (147 lbs)
I've been working out twice a day, every day in week for a little more than a year now
spending around 2 hours a day working out (not counting rest in between exercises)
I progressively increase the ammount once every month
I've been having a pretty nice results so far, but I've never acually cared too much about my diet
Only 2 months ago I started doing so, I've been making sure that every meal I eat has protein in it
I eat about ten times a day, in small portions, in total from 2200 to 2600 cals/day and by doing so never felt hunger in a long time
but more I read about diets, I start to think more about it
So I've read for the abs to be more expressed, I should be burning the fat from my stomach (abdomen),
which is fairly logic, but I never really tought of it that way, I've only been looking for protein in my food, now I'm also
trying to eat low-fat foods. About water, I have never drunk much of it, about half liters a day, but from this day I'll make sure
to have a water bottle on my desk at all times.
That would be pretty much all I could say about myself, I've been very satisfied with my working out
but I'll need a little help on my diet

  • if anyone could tell me, what food is the best for the balance of loss of fat and
    muscle building.
  • and what should I be looking for the food I eat to contain
  • or anything else that could help out

Cheers ;)
You should avoid like butter, oily foods and maintain drink water approximately 4ltr in a day. your best balance diet are you must be a vegetarian and avoid meat,chicken etc. You need to advice fitness equipment tips from trainers.
If you're eating protein with every meal and you're eating 10 times a day, you're probably getting more than enough protein. You should add some starch, potatoes, rice. And don't forget vegs. and a little fruit (fruit maybe in the a.m.). Avocados and flax seed (or flax oil) for your omegas and good fats and sparingly eat nuts/seeds (maybe 1 oz. day). People like different macro breakdowns so you'll have to experiment with how much protein, fats and carbs you get but I implore you to eat your vegs. and a little fruit. The vits/mins., along with starch are what shuttle protein to your muscles for growth. You'll get used to drinking water so just gradually increase until you're drinking about half your weight. Fat loss and muscle building are essentially the same diet. You either increase cals. or decrease them, depending on goals. It sounds like you know how many cals. you should have? Some folks do high protein, low carbs for fat loss. There's all kinds of methods but I believe in keeping it simple. If you have stubborn fat, you can fall back on either more cardio or other diet methods.
I'll try to increase the Vegetable and Fruit intake, I don't know much about minerals and vitamins, kind of ironic given that I'm going to High school for Nutritionist, but I'll try to read more about it ))
Half the water than my weight, in which unit??
Yea, I'm pretty much going for the High Protein, a bit lower for the Fat and I try to take as least for the Carbs
thanks for the reply ;)
I would suggest to start your day with protein. Try this in the morning:Egg sandwich (1 egg, one sliced medium sized chicken sausage link, one slice cheese, on whole wheat english muffin or whole grain bread). This is a great breakfast packed with 24 grams of protein!
Eating 10 times a day is alot. Usually you want to eat 5-6 meals a day. Multi-vitamins also help (I use the gummie kind bc easier on the stomach). Obviously fruits and veggies when you can. And protein, protein, protein.

Sure thing, besides protein what else should I look out for
and what is fruit and vegs good for, vitamins?