Looking for any advice or links or any help to what I should do, I exercerise (running and other misc. things like lots of jumping jacks, crunches, push up, tricep pushes, etc.) 5 days a week, weekends I take off. I'm 17 years of age and weigh somewhere near 200 pounds. What I need help with is, how many calories / fats / carbs is recomended for me and my goal of losing 20-30 pounds? Calculators I've checked only show calories so I'm unsure with everything. What are some good things I should always eat? One thing i've been really worried about is carbs, so help is much appreciated on that, some kind of explanation about them.
Here's an example of my calories / fats / carbs for today:
Calories: 1827
Fat: 34.5
Carbs: 276g
Also, sugar in cereal / juices and what not, is it really bad? I don't get much but my cereal in the morning is where I get a lot of it. Does it really cause a lot of weight gain? Can it be used for energy for later or what... As you can see im real confused about sugar in cereals / juices and would love for someone to enlightmen me on this and my other questions above. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for the help, it's very much appreciated, any tips / suggestions are welcome, thanks.
Here's an example of my calories / fats / carbs for today:
Calories: 1827
Fat: 34.5
Carbs: 276g
Also, sugar in cereal / juices and what not, is it really bad? I don't get much but my cereal in the morning is where I get a lot of it. Does it really cause a lot of weight gain? Can it be used for energy for later or what... As you can see im real confused about sugar in cereals / juices and would love for someone to enlightmen me on this and my other questions above. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for the help, it's very much appreciated, any tips / suggestions are welcome, thanks.
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