Need some help with calorie stuffs


New member
I want to start calorie counting to try to help me lose weight (take 3 million, lol)

I'm 21, 5'4'', and I weight 155lbs :rolleyes:
I use to weight 110 - 115 but gained a ton of weight when I started college and started taking the birth control pill.

So, I used some calculator I found online that said to maintain my current weight, I need to consume 2,046 calories a day. But when I plugged in my old weight of 110, which I would love to get back to, into the calculator it said to maintain that weight I would need to consume 1,452 cals a day.

But then on another place it said to try to consume between 1,000 and 1,200 cals a day to lose weight. Yesterday I ate around 1,300 and felt good - I didn't feel hungry or anything.

So if anyone can help, I need some advice. I don't want to not eat enough because I know that's bad. But I thought it was weird that it said I would need 1,452 to maintain a weight of 110 and that somewhere else said 1,200 should be the max...maybe the sites I found just stink, I dunno!
Quick Answer: You can't eat for a weight that you aren't yet. Decrease calories as you decrease size or else you are more likely to stall sooner.

All online calculations can vary. Personally I like this one to get an estimate, in the end though listen to your body.

I you post up your normal day and what your workout routines are like we can help you get a better activity level estimate.
Well my 'normal day' changes often since I'm in college and stuff.

Right now I'm not in school but am working on a research project that requires me to stay around the house from 4am till 9pm. I have to go out and check cams and such ever hour so I don't have any time to go out and get to the gym or anything. About the only real exercise I do is I take the dog out for a walk everynight for about 30 - 60 mins. I also do pilates once in awhile, but I've been slacking on that.

However, in about 2 weeks I'll be all done with the tape recording part of the project and I'll be staying with my boyfriend for the rest of the summer - I'm going to be starting kendo with him which I'm really excited about :) That should be good exercise.

Then in sept I'll be back in school where I hope to keep up with the kendo and also I can go to the gym there.

So pretty much - my activity level is pretty low right now, but I hope to change that soon :)

Edit to add - So should I be eating the 2,000 cals minus 500 or so even though I felt good with only 1,300. Well I guess 1,300 isn't that much less then 1,500. I know the only reason I get so many cals a day was because I was eating so much junk - so I've been cutting all that out and getting a lot fewer cals. The only way now that I could eat more cals then I have been (around 1,200 to 1,300 a day) would be to eat more healthy foods even though I'm not hungry.
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eating really low calories decreases hunger, so you feel less hungry the less you eat in general. Hunger isn't or shouldn't be the issue. Repair and fuel for your body is what is important. Doing it faster, doesn't mean better and in general spells ten times more work in the long run.

Keep at a slower pace, drop back as needed only.