Need Some Help Starting A Routine Good For Me..

I'm 16 years old, 160 lbs, and 6' tall. I'm in Decent Shape but not good enough. Any advice would help?

Last year during my sophomore year i weight trained with the football team for abotu 2 months with every intention of joining the team although i had never played. I started out weighing about 150 and got to about 168. I was benching 145 as my max 3 reps. I felt AMAZING and i was confident with my looks and my outlook on life. Then i got involved with a girl and started drivers ed and i stopped working out besides doing sit ups and push ups before bed.
Well Now it's been a few months since i was working out and i want to get back in shape but have very little time. I work 4-5 days a week from the moment i leave school and get home at about 9 so i dont feel like a gym membership is appropriate.

Lately i have been putting a little more effort into my home excersize though but i think i need help. I have a chin-up bar, a weight bench, free weight dumbells, and a treadmill. Everyday i do push-ups/sit-ups because it is my routine that i couldnt break if i wanted to. I usually do a set of 11 pull ups everyday too. the past week i have been running a little on the treadmill too but i want to have even results. I want to be well defined and get my muscles a little stronger but i cant find a home work out routine that i can consistently stick too. any suggestions? (I plan on going to the boxing gym with my friends this summer also and i dont want to be too much out of shape compared to them lol)

With your limited time, I would suggest pushups/pullups/dumbells one day, and treadmill the next. Continue alternating. If you are working the same muscles every day, you are allowing no time for recovery. By alternating days between weights and cardio, you will have more time to grow. :)
WORKOUT IN AM BEFORE CLASS, be a team mgr if you don't want to comitt to play, workout with team before school. :action10: