Need Some Friendly Advice

Hi guys,

I've recently undertaken several different types of exercise to get myself fit again. At the moment i'm overweight after 2 years of neglect so i've been going to the gym and started this week 1 mile morning jogs.

I've read at quite a few places that it's good to RUN 1-2 miles each morning but i'm finding it severely hard to jog for a mile.

I've changed my diet and been visiting the gym twice a week and now i've started jogging in the morning.

I'm looking at a career in the forces so i need to be able to run 1.5 miles in under 12 minutes, it's taking me around 20 minutes to jog a mile and i find myself having to stop 2 or 3 times during to catch my breath.

Is there any advice you could give me? I'm determined and really want to bring my fitness up.

How overweight are you? Losing the extra lbs will obviously help you as you'll be dragging less weight around with you but if you're very overweight then maybe it would be an idea to try cycling or rowing to get your weight down to save your knees from so much impact every day
Well, i'm currently 5'6" and i weigh roughly 168 pounds. I don't really have any fat on my arms or legs it's mostly on my chest and stomach. I'm fairly well built too because i used to do weights and since i've been going to the gym i've also been doing weights aswell as cardio.

I'd say i have about an 3/4 an inch of fat on my stomach.

That's not too bad then, running should be an issue for your joints

If you're trying to run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes then you might want to break the distance down. Try doing 0.5 miles in 4 minutes, if you can do that then try 1 mile in 8 and keep trying until you can do it, then up the distance again.
Sometimes it helps to break your goal down into smaller targets so progress is easier to measure and achieve which in turn keeps motivation high
Warming up before you exercice will enhance your performance. It prepares your body for the real exercise. Before you start your jogging, do a few minutes of moderate jogging and then stop to do a few stretching exercises.
Also, start with a slower pace (fast walking) and increase your pace after a couple of minutes. This will help you jog longer. And don't give up, you'll get better with time!
The 1-2 miles thing, I get the feeling this is for people who have been running for some time. If you have just started the gym this last week your very new to running and need to set goals to the 1-2 miles but really shouldn't expect that of yourself just yet. Its important to listen to your body rather then just go with what your mind wants as you are at risk of injury and damage which would then require you rest and would put you at a disadvantage of trying to get to the 1-2 miles.

Also, you may find you naturally have more energy at one part of the day over another. You may find that you are able to run faster or for longer or just not feel as stiff or achey, test out when is the better time of day for you and maybe try to use this as a main training time. If you can maybe do the odd run in the morning to keep your exercise types and times flexible and give variety.
Thanks for all the advice, i've had to take a break lately because of suddenly coming down with the flu (not related to exercise)

But i do have one concern, it's been exactly a week since i last did a 20 minute jog in the morning and my legs ever since have felt slightly weak if i move fast and put weight down quick on my legs.

I get a sharp aching pain in my shins and ankles, like they're not strong enough to hold my weight. But when i was jogging i felt fine.

I have no history with leg problems, and nor does my family.

Could anyone help give me some tips to what the problem may be? I think it may be my diet personally.