Sport Need some critiquing please

Sport Fitness
Monday Wensday Friday:
reg bench 3 sets of 10 reps at 135
incline bench 3 sets of 10 at 125
decline bench 3 sets of 10 at 135
striaght bar curls 1x16 at 45
striaght bar curls 1x14 at 55
striaght bar curls 1x12 at 65
fly's 3 x 10 at 35
dips 1x20,1x18,1x16
skull crushers 3 x 10 at 55
run for 30 mins

Tuesday Thursday Saturday:
lunges 3x10 at 70
lats 3x10 at 75
dumbell curls 3x10 at 35
situps 3x20
calf raises 3x10 at 115
leg press 3x10 at 300
45 mins of cardio

food: apple or serving of cheerios for breakfast at 7 am, 10 am, serving of dairy (usually glass of milk), ham sandwich for lunch with mustard only, serving of dairy, dinner, usually soup/portion of protien pleanty of water.

~ I am trying to tone + build, and currently 158 6' 10", i would like some help with finilizing my schedule, and would love any input with sugestions on how to get a bit bigger any faster until then this is what i will be doing, thank you.
Doesn't sound like youre eating enough to build. You can't possibly break even 2k calories with that meal plan.
Should i try to bulk up, then try to cut, or can i do both at the same time? I would like to have a estimated calorie intake i should be having along with fat cals if someone could figure that out or show me how to. I would love to have this schedule fine tuned so i can become chizzeled. As of right now doing this diet for 2 weeks i can see muscle definition, but not as much as id like. Also some other suggestions on food that i can switch up the same old rutine would be nice, and about vegitables, is it better to buy canned, which i notice are high in sodium, or to buy fresh and boil, if so how much is a serving. Also would like to introduce salad into my diet. thank you again.