Need some advice


New member
Hi All, first time on line in a forum. If I make mistakes please let me know. I’m no computer guru so I’ll apologize in advance for my gaffs. I’m an older, overweight (fat) woman. I’m 5’4” and I weigh 200 lbs. I have to loose weight, my health is going downhill fast. It is all weight related, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc. I don’t have to eat, I get all my calories from the many pills I have to take to keep functioning. I have lung problems so my exercise is very limited. No long walks, no weight lifting, no aerobics. I know it sounds like I should be in a box already, but I actually feel pretty good and I’m able to take care of my house and take care of everyday business. I need to see if anyone is in the same boat and what they are doing to improve their weight loss. Thanks for any help.
Hi, Marilyn & welcome to the forum. I'm older than almost everyone in here. Age does not matter in here. Ailments always sound much worse when you put them down. No, it doesn't sound like you should be in a box! I have a very healthy diet & can't exercise a lot as I have bad arthritis. Your diet is more important than exercise when it comes to losing weight. Fresh vegetables, lean protein & fresh fruit (not too much ) are the go. Eating should be a pleasurable thing to do. The diary section of the forum is the busiest part. You will find it at There are some lovely, supportive people over there. We are all in the same boat really & you have lots of company. Cheers, Cate.
Hi All, first time on line in a forum. If I make mistakes please let me know. I’m no computer guru so I’ll apologize in advance for my gaffs. I’m an older, overweight (fat) woman. I’m 5’4” and I weigh 200 lbs. I have to loose weight, my health is going downhill fast. It is all weight related, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc. I don’t have to eat, I get all my calories from the many pills I have to take to keep functioning. I have lung problems so my exercise is very limited. No long walks, no weight lifting, no aerobics. I know it sounds like I should be in a box already, but I actually feel pretty good and I’m able to take care of my house and take care of everyday business. I need to see if anyone is in the same boat and what they are doing to improve their weight loss. Thanks for any help.

Hello Marilyn, I am new to this forum as well. I read your post and thought of myself and many of my family members with the same problems. I have been dealing with weight a lot over the past few years and like yourself it has cause me health complications, especially with that irritating high blood pressure. Over the years I have packed on a lot of belly fat that developed into GURD (very irritating and painful), not to mention sleep apnea. I’m also an Army veteran with PTSD so with all these issues I’ve really been through something. Sadly I come from a family that for generations have suffered the same and worse, usually in African American families you see that a lot, mostly because of tradition and food. My mom just survived a near death experience because of it and is currently in rehab, I dread the idea of it happening to me so these last two years I’ve really been on the rampage of finding ways to lose as much weight as possible, taking out that high blood pressure with a vengeance! Last year around this time I was about 292lbs, this year I’m 46 and down about 51-52lbs! So it’s been a battle but it’s worth it, stay encouraged and don’t EVER give up. Always tell yourself that you can do it and always look for solutions, that’s what I did, I researched until I found various ways and things that worked, now giving me the edge I need to lose even more! I want to see my mom get better, she’s been through a lot the last 3 years with her health but I’m excited for her this year. She gets out of rehab in 3 weeks and I have a surprise for her, I’ve been searching for ways to help her turn her health around so she doesn’t have to be so fearful when she’s alone. I know her type 2-diabetes and low blood sugar issues are her main problem, now that I’ve found what I need to help her get rid of that diabetes and fix her blood sugar problem I’ll be going all out! So don’t you dare give up or loose hope, if I can do it so can you.
Hi Marilyn, I weighed 219 when I started here about 6 months ago and have lost almost 40 pounds with support from wonderful people on the site. I really agree with Cate, diet is most important. I probably was pre-diabetic when I started - had bad brain fog, no energy, some depression, and generally didn't feel positive about my body. Though the weigh loss is good and very needed, the best change for me so far is that I am starting to really get into taking good care of myself. The more energy I get back, the more I can put in to getting healthy, and that helps me and also rubs off on everyone around me, so I don't feel guilty for investing time and energy in myself and in my health. I still have 20+ pounds to go, but I just keep plugging away and doing baby steps toward health. I hope you stick with it and don't let the missteps throw you off. It's all part of the process! I'm in my mid-50s, by the way, and need to exercise more regularly, but working on the diet part first has been key for me.