need some advice on....

School and motivation.

Ok, I'm currently in college. People say I'm smart and stuff blah blah blah. Anyways,
I am just so damn lazy and procrastinate. I can't seem to break this habit at all since high school. I'm like 2-3 weeks behind in work and it's just building more stress and anxiety. Am I ganna pass this course or not. F A CK

I didn't care for college, to the extent it took me 6 years, because I barely went full time, and pissed one whole semester away and had to retake the classes because they were for my I dropped the idea of being a teacher and then had to start up a minor, then changed minors, and spent the last year just going part time as well.

But I got it done, and its an accomplishment you'll carry with you forever. You must learn responsibility, because your professors don't care if you show up or get good grades and they don't report to mommy and daddy when you disappear for 2 weeks and skip a test.

put the xBox/playstation/computer games away, and buckle down on your studies. it always sucks in the beginning when its all general studies freshman/sophomore crap...but eventually you get to take cooler classes that interest you.
and I suggest a least one fun class a year, like a 1 credit hour pottery class, or one semester I took Judo (until moose-girl threw me wrong and cracked a rib)
School and motivation.

Ok, I'm currently in college. People say I'm smart and stuff blah blah blah. Anyways,
I am just so damn lazy and procrastinate. I can't seem to break this habit at all since high school. I'm like 2-3 weeks behind in work and it's just building more stress and anxiety. Am I ganna pass this course or not. F A CK


I was a bit of a procrastinator myself. But I was also very passionate about school and doing well. I think that helps a lot too. Set goals in school like you do in fitness. Aim high and go out and get what you want.
I recently graduated from college and i had a very similar problem... everyone told me how smart i was and all that stuff. i would procrastinate because i knew that i would be able to cram and learn it quickly... but then it really bit me in the ass one semester, when i totally slacked off, barely passed my classes and CRUSHED my GPA. I really straigtened myself out after that, became active, and always tried to keep myself busy...

Basically, what works for me is to try to keep a full schedule. This helps to keep you organized, energized, and requires you to set priorities... its a lot easier to schedule time to study, than it is to put down the remote (or beer) and crack a book...
i love procrastinating. Ill do things i never do just so i can avoid hw. and im definitely not a very smart student but i have done one smart thing. i have pushed myself to work hard now, so i can finish early and relax. i talked to my advisor a week or two ago and looks like i will be graduating next year (assuming all classes are passed). im only a sophomore so this is kinda nice. support from other people helps me a lot as well. my dad is paying for me right now so im also trying to make it worth his money and hopefully save him a lot as well. basically im doing this for him because only one of my 5 siblings has actually graduated from college. i want to be the youngest one in the family to graduate and make him proud of me. thats my motivation.

also, keeping busy sometimes helps people schedule their time better. like for me , i go to classes, then work, then workout. so i know there is only so much time for hw so i do my best to fit that in when im not busy.

EDIT: whoops sorry skian i didnt see ur post, you said similar things lol.
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