Need some advice from people who work hard at gym

Well..basically my problem just started ever since I changed my routine...

Bascially routine is following:

Monday: Upper body
Tuesday: Lower body
Wednesday: Upper
Thursday: Lower
Friday: Upper
Sat and Sun: Relax.

now the problem I have facing is..when I go back to gym I can't lift as much as I can on friday and I think the reason is because 2 days is too much and my body becomes lazy and when I go back on wouldn't wanna lift too much weight ...

So..any advice would be helpful..:biggrinsanta:
There is no simple answer. You have to balance your intensity level (how close to failure you go on each set), your volume (number of sets per session, per week, etc.), your nutrition, your sleep, your rest intervals, etc. to find what works best for you. And just to complicate things more, those may all change as your fitness level changes, with the weather, with your motivation and with whatever else is going on in your life (school, work, family, friends, love life, etc.).

I guess to some extent that is why most programs suggest you NOT go to failure except occasionally, so you are not always pushing yourself to near failure all the time, where you may fail to do as much as you did last session. That is somewhat couterintuitive, but the race goes to the slow and steady not to the individuals who rush, or put another way life is a marathon not a sprint. Is it more important how much you can lift or improve over the next 5 years or how much you can improve this month? Best case you can add a few percent to your 1RM this month while risking burnout or injury by over doing it, but you may be able to double your 1RM over the next 5 years by following a consistant, reasonable regimen.
I think that's very good advice I have got in long time...I've been increasing weights everytime I hit the gym and I think that's causing this whole "not able to lift more" thing..may be I need to slow down on increasing weight from everyday to every week..but I think it was weird that on friday I killed 100 lbs benchpress in no time but yesterday I was able to do it but not as easily as it was on friday...may be it's time for more water, more food and more sleep :sleeping:..that's very true that I don't get enough time during weekend to sleep and don't drink any protein shake ...also not enough food as much as I eat on weekdays..
Its as simple as this, you want to look good, then go here... you'll get free reports.
Here it is: little(dot)im/FitnessXpert

Dont slow down, just set your mind to it, move forward and in time you'll see yourself in a better shape. Personally, from my own experience, seeing myself toner only gives me more encouragement to keep moving forward.

With Best of Hope,