Need serious help with hanging belly


New member
I used to weigh 350 pounds i now weigh 230 pounds. But my stomach still hangs down. Is it loose skin or fat? I run 7-10 miles everyday and im getting really discouraged because its not going anywhere. Should i go back to doing sprints or should i do long distance and sprints? How bad is it? Heres a picture. i would like your honest opinion and any advice will be appreciated. I will work hard to fix it i just sont know where to go from here. Thank you.
Well done on your weight loss.

After losing 120 pounds it could well be loose skin.
If there is fat there - you will feel it when you pinch it between your fingers. For confirmation - you could look into someone helping you get a body fat percent measurement. You can get hand held monitors and most gyms have trainers that can measure you.

It is perfectly normal to end up with some loose skin after losing quite a lot of weight (as you have done) and if it is loose skin - then I am afraid that surgery will probably be your only real answer. This was the only answer that my GP could suggest after my weight loss.