need running help

i started running on friday, i was running yesterday too
wat i mostly want to do is get faster and lose fat, cause i want to do track and indoor track, so can someone plzzzzzzz help me?
i don't know how to start, im a reeeaaaallly new newbie in running

all help appreciated.
i started running on friday, i was running yesterday too
wat i mostly want to do is get faster and lose fat, cause i want to do track and indoor track, so can someone plzzzzzzz help me?
i don't know how to start, im a reeeaaaallly new newbie in running

all help appreciated.

diet is the cornerstone of any athletes training so i suggest you get that together read the nutrition stickies. what do you run specifically? depending on that your sprint training could vary tremendously
i go to the gym next to my house, and i usually jugg for 20 minutes
when i finished my summery was:

time: 25 mins
distance: 1.6 (idk wat that means, it just said 1.6)

need anymore details?
ok here

track is a school sport for running, and indoor track is an indoor version of track but inside the school
and im 16
i think i can run 1.6k, is that little or alot?
im not in any event or anything, im just trying to get better at running
but i need help on wat i should do to start, like how long i should run or jugg, and wat i should eat for a diet
ok so i was going on the internet and checking out how i should put my diet and routine together, and then i found this site that told be about the 4 week exercise, so ima try it, i hope it works, and oh yea here is wat the next for weeks would be like from wat the site said:
the days:
Monday: Shorter distance
Tuesday: Strength train
Wednesday: Shorter distance, extending it by half your weekly mileage increase. (Note: If you're increasing your mileage by 4 miles this week, increase both your Wednesday and Sunday runs by 2 miles.)
Thursday: Strength train
Friday: Shorter distance
Saturday: Rest day
Sunday: Longer distance, extending it by half your weekly mileage increase


The Plan
Week One

Monday: Even if you just grab an energy bar before your run, be sure to eat breakfast. Almost 80 percent of successful dieters eat breakfast every day.

Tuesday: To burn more calories at the gym, simply work out a little longer than you usually do. Five minutes more of strength training can burn an extra 40 to 50 calories.

Wednesday: Increase this shorter run by half of your planned increase for the week.

Thursday: Back at the gym, take less time between exercise stations. Switching from 30 seconds of lifting and 1 minute of resting to 1 minute of lifting and 30 seconds of resting increases your calorie burn by almost 20 percent.

Friday: After your run, take tea time. Drinking oolong and green tea speeds fat metabolism, according to research.

Saturday: Burn some calories around the house. An hour with a hedge clipper can burn up to 400 calories. Gardening nets you around 250 in that time. Even ironing burns about 50 calories in 30 minutes.

Sunday: Extend your long run (add the other half of your weekly increase), and throw in a leisurely bike ride later in the day. An easy 2 hours of cycling can burn up to 1,000 calories, and more if you push it a bit.

Bonus advice for week 1: If you have dinner out with others, stay more cognizant of your food intake. A recent study found that those who dine in a group eat twice as much, on average, as those who eat alone.

Week Two

Monday: Mix some short pickups into you regular run. Don't sprint, just pick up the pace so there's a noticeable difference from your regular training pace. Adding 10 x 30-second sprints will increase your calorie-burn by about 100 calories.

Tuesday: While you're lifting, stay hydrated, but trade the sports drink for plain old water. You'll save 50 calories for every 8 ounces of fluid you drink.

Wednesday: Once again, increase your distance by half your planned increase for the entire week. Every additional mile of running nets you an extra 100 calories burned.

Thursday: At the gym, stretch the time you spend on each lift to make your workout slightly longer and tougher (10 minutes more equals an extra 80 calories burned).

Friday: Run easy, then try to stay on your feet more this day. For example, stand when you're on the phone at work, or when talking to colleagues. The reason? Standing burns 1.7 times more calories than sitting. Make this a habit, and think of all the extra calories you'll burn.

Saturday: Take a hike. In 2 hours of trekking, you'll burn between 800 and 1,200 calories. Carry a 25-pound pack, and burn an extra 200 more.

Sunday: Run long, then hit the pool later for a few laps. In 15 minutes of leisurely swimming, you'll burn between 125 and 175 calories. Pick up the pace, and tack on at least 30 more.

Bonus advice for week 2: Don't always trust your gut. Most people underestimate their daily food intake by about 20 percent (that's 400 calories for someone eating 2,000 calories a day). If you really want to figure out how many calories you're taking in, keep a 3- or 5-day food diary. For an online diary, visit .

Week Three

Monday: After your easy run, find a hill or stairway and do some uphill repeats. In just 10 minutes of uphill work, you'll burn at least 150 calories.

Tuesday: Strength train, and make a conscious effort to eat more slowly all day long, which will likely cause you to eat less overall. Why? Because there's a lag time between being full and feeling full, and if you're eating slower, you'll eat less during that lag.

Wednesday: Increase the mileage of your shorter run. Also, pretend you're Amish today. Abandon all machines--your car, the elevator, whatever you use each day--and get around the old-fashioned way. In the office, talk to your colleagues in person, rather than e-mailing them. Every one of these actions will burn extra calories.

Thursday: After the gym, treat yourself to a few whiffs of vanilla or peppermint, and keep them on hand at work and home. These aromas can curb your appetite, according to research.

Friday: Run easy, and make a conscious effort to "graze" today. When you don't eat for several hours, your metabolism drops. Best to keep it stoked by eating a healthy mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. Added bonus: you'll eat less during your three regular meals.

Saturday: Try a fun new cross-training activity. An hour of pickup basketball burns up to 450 calories. An hour of Frisbee, almost 300 calories. Soccer, around 400 calories.

Sunday: Finish your run with 10 minutes of pull-ups, pushups, and crunches. Ten minutes burns at least 80 calories. Plus, the increased muscle mass contributes to calorie-burning down the road.

Bonus advice for week 3: Make a habit of brushing your teeth soon after dinner all this week, rather than waiting until bedtime. This will make you less likely to snack in the evening.

Week Four

Monday: Run easy, but finish off with 8 to 10 pickups of about 100 meters each. They'll make you fitter, and burn extra calories as well.

Tuesday: When lifting, add an extra exercise or two to your routine, and remember to lift slowly for extra calorie burning.

Wednesday: Increase your short run mileage. Also, when it comes time to munch on your mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack, take a walk break to eat it.

Thursday: At the gym, throw in some jump roping after your strength workout. Think it's easy? Try it. And it's well worth it, too, as even 5 minutes will burn at least 50 calories.

Friday: Get your run done, then go dancing. An hour of serious rug-cutting burns between 300 and 400 calories.

Saturday: Slap on the inline skates, and do some 'blading.' An hour of skating burns more than 750 calories. And talk about fun.

Sunday: Bump up your long run by half your weekly mileage increase, then spend an hour washing the car (it'll burn around 300 calories). You have two cars? By all means, wash both.

Bonus advice for week 4: When you shop, buy food in smaller packages. Why? Because research shows that people are likely to eat significantly more of a food when it comes in a large package than when it comes in a small package.

is this a good plan? that the site posted? here is the site:
I'm assuming the 1.6 is miles and not kilometers because of your time. Maybe you can work at doing the 2 miler since you can almost run that already.