Sport Need recommendations for meals

Sport Fitness
Hi, I've been working out steadily and seriously for about a month and a half now, I've seen some great results in weight loss but I have decided to put some weight back on and also attempt to pack in some muscle too.

My diet is pretty decent right now but like anything else it could be better.
I cook all my own meals, I don't eat any type of fast food and I only drink water and protein shakes mixed with water.

What I'm looking for is advice on meals I could eat daily that will help me reach my goals! basicly if you are a person with an acomplished body or someone who understands this subject well, tell me what you're eating so I can copy you!
I.E. give me a run through of your day to day meals and at what times you eat certian foods.

I also workout 4-5 times a week so whatever your diet might be I am confident I can put in the work to match it. Thanks in advance for the help if you choose to give it:)

Also if my weight and sex might factor in: I'm a male and I'm sitting at 165 pounds.

- Crit.
Bottom line to see strong gains in size and strength you have to eat clean. Weight loss and weight gain (whatever you desire) comes first from eating...not cardio and not from lifting weights. Obviously these supplement the goals but you cant out work a bad diet.

My plan consists of 6 meals a day (breakfast-snack-lunch-snack-dinner-snack). Basic ingredients of each meal are cycled between eggs, some times steaks, chicken, fish, whey powder, veggies, and whole grain carbs (brown rice pasta or starchy carbs from potatoes-red). I am always changing the ingredients up so its never really the same but these ingredients are often seen. I always watch my portion size and watch what seasonings i put on my meats.

This may not be as detailed as you want but its all you really need to get started. You can be creative in combining different foods at different meals

Snacks are usually nuts, yogurt, veggies or fruit. There are other things i may find in the store that are light and low calorie but these again are just the basics. You can build off of these as long as they are similar in calories and portion size (no bigger then your fist-1 cup)
7cityfitness is spot on, you must eat clean, which basically means... whole foods that have little or no processing! That kind of narrows your options (or not), BUT, by eating this way you will see a BIG difference and also your natural fat stores will lower over time too.

Every meal should include an animal or dairy protein* and a form of carbohydrate, starchy and/or fibrous. Fats can added to meals but try to choose foods that contain them.

Carbs can be split into Fibrous (veggies) / Starchy (pasta/rice/noodles/sweet potatoes, potatoes) etc... (google these types of carbs for lager lists). Fruits, just watch your portion sizes of high sugar content fruits!

Proteins, if you want to build decent lean mass rapidly, opt for animal based and lean cuts, and low fat dairy. (*if you are vegetarian search for vegan body building tips)

my own opinion is that food should have good flavor! Adding different spices and flavorings to your meats/meals will add another dimension to what would normally be a dull, repetitive, meal! I recommend trying several of those small 25g spice rack seasonings first (not single spices, but spice mixes ie cajun, thai 7 spice, chinese 5 spice etc) and when you find several you like buy your chosen spices in bulk (200g+) as you'll save a small fortune in the long run! And most spices are extremely low cal so you have nothing to worry about calories wise. For salads you should make your own vinaigrette's, (buy in several types of vinegar (apple cider/balsamic types) and add herbs/spices like mint or ginger and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil).