Need protein powder recommendations..

Here's a quick background on my situation:

19 years old, 182 pounds, 5"11. I'm looking to mainly get bigger muscles, but my second priority is to lose weight. Over the course of 2 months I want some noticeable results before I head out for college.

I plan on working out maybe 4 days per week, maybe an 45 min - hour of mostly upper body lifting and some legs, and 10-15 mins of treadmill cardio. I think I've decided to base my diet mostly on a select few Subway subs incuding:

- Turkey Breast 12" (560 calories, 9g fat, 36g protein)
- Sweet Onion Chicken Teriaki 12" (740 calories, 10g fat, 52g protein)
- Subway Club 12" (640 calories, 12g fat, 48g protein)

Is this a good idea? I also plan on:

1) Not eating fast food other than Subway
2) Not eating as much as I usually do

If someone can give me tips/advice on this, please do. Now, I think a protein supplement would be good to use, but I just don't know which one to get. Should I go to GNC and let them suggest me a good whey protein powder? Is there better stuff online? Many people say, just find a good whey protein, but for a complete noob like me, I don't know where to start.

Hey Dan good thing you asked. People at GNC are lame. They think they have degees in sports nutrition but don't know much. I went i there the other day and said I wanted somethign with no creatine or any added stuff. He pointed me to a product that said right on lable 3 grams of creatine per serving.

Anyway I too am looking into this and I found a brand called any whey that is flavoless and can be used for cooking. you can add it to any thing you cook, eat or drink and has 17 grams of protien per scoop. Tis will probably be the one I will use as it has no sugar and no fke chemical sugar substitutes either.
people at GNC work on commission, that's why they try to get you to buy a hundred supps when all you want is a whey powder.
plus its pricey.

You can't go wrong with Optimum Nutrition brand...tastes good, and its a quality product. try for great prices.

also, or sells stuff in bulk, and you can even create a custom blend. they also offer unflavored protein powder.

If you want creatine, great, but buy it separate. 500g of monohydrate should run around $15.