New member
I've gotten myself to my goal weight. I've also helped a few others get there and given motivation to others who want to start. Through this I've realized how much I love doing this. I love working out, training, nutrition and I want it to become my life. I have been researching schools in my area and have found National Personal Training Institute (NPTI). It's close, fits my schedule and seems like a great program. I haven't found a bad review yet. I have a friend who works the daycare at a health club and had her ask a few trainers where they went and if they had heard of the place. They all said it was the best. I'd still like some other input and opinions before I enroll and spend lots of money. Has anyone gone to this school, in whatever city, or heard anything about it? I'd like to do this, become a trainer and then go to a real college for a nutritionist degree.