Sport Need Nutrition advice and stuff :(

Sport Fitness
Im trying to get more bulk and im trying to get cut. Im 16 right now 5'8 and im still trying to get a little taller, (pref. at least 6'.) I weigh about 140Lb. and i got my body fat calc from online and it was about 20-21.4 or something like that... im trying to bulk up build some arm muscle and get cut...can someone advice my calorie intake blah blha, but like i still wanna eat i dont wanna limit myself and stuff. but yah i need help
EDIT: That prolly didnt make a lotta sense but basically im trying to get bigger a little more cut, im kinda opting against pictures cuz i ya, but if yall want any i shall post...:/
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I think you got quite a lot of reading to do mate.

We will all be happy to help but 1st you gotta understand a few things.

1 - Cutting and bulking are not the same. In fact they are the oposite.

2 - Your weight lifting routien will stay the same all year round. The only thing that will change is your cardio training and your diet. You see its impossible to bulk and cut at the same time.

To bulk you need to give your body all te nutrients its needs (and more) to grow big healthy muscle. To cut (lose fat) you need to eat less that your body needs, meaning you wil not grow muscle when you are cutting.

The 1st thing you need to do is choose what is more important to you. Personaly, I would go with bulking 1st as this will speed up your metabolizm, meaning that when you cut it will be a lot lot easyer.
ok lets go with that, i chose to bulk up first and build a lot of muscle...

-i need a diet that will work in with school (currently wake up at 6:13 ish and come home around 2:30)
-i want to increase muscle like showing biceps and stuff
-i want at least a 10% body fat if not lower

ill choose bulking up, because im actually not THAT fat, just a little chub chub :p, anyways and hopefully thatll start showing my body, and if needed afterwards i can always get cut! some bulking help? Nutritionwise and stuff
I did read some of the stuff like alot of it actually i dont get how to set ratios and stuff like that, if i should limit carbs and stuff like that...thats why i created a new thread :(
Well, if you are 140lbs and 5'8" and actually 20% bodyfat, thats 28pounds of pure fat on you...that knocks you down to 112lbs of lean mass.

20% certainly isn't 'obese'...chubby is a good way to describe it.

but at 20%, if you bulk now, you need to do it very intelligently so you avoid putting on much more fat. its hard to put on muscle without fat, but you can try to limit fat as much as possible by sticking to clean foods, and finding out exactly how much food you need to pack on muscle without fat.
so can anybody give me like a protien/fat/carb ratio and like some eating advice on what to eat before and after workout..?