Need honest critique on my regime.

Okay here's my usual exercise routine that I do 3-4 times a week: I do it all in one session. I'm a 22 y/o female
I want to know if this routine is a good one. I have noticed some muscle mass build but I"m not getting the results I want. I'm happy with my amount of muscle but I want to be more ripped and have less fat. My biggest problems are my glutes, lower abdomen(I have a nasty pooch you can grab and shake, but I'm rock hard if I flex I only see definition if I flex), the uppper back part of my thighs(not toned or firm enough and cellulite), my inner upper arms, and I'd just like more fat loss in general.

I am also limited on space and time for doing cardio. I recently tried my first round of Tabata when my bf was gone and I loved it. But I don't have a lot of room to move around and dance like I used to. I do everything in a small bedroom. There are no safe places to walk at my place. I used to live in safer area and walk 4 miles a day. But, I live in shotgun country now. I know I need more cardio.

*I also don't have a rack or whatever for resistance tubes. I use the foot leg of the bed for my seated rows and chest flys.

Exercises using heavy resistance tubes:

1. 60 squats
2. 40-50 lunges each leg
3. 200 hip raises(ya know, where ya barely lift butt off floor with legs up.)
4. 50-75 leg raises lying on back
5. 100 sitting rowing squats
6. 100 chest flys
7. 50 tricep extensions each arm
8. 50 curls each arm

Exercises not using resistance:

1. 100 elbow to knee crunches each side(not bicycles, right elbow to right knee/left elbow to left knee squeezing abs simultaneously lifting glute slightly)
2. 60 standing diagonal elbow to knee crunches
3. 60 standing oblique elbow to knee crunches
4. 60 plie squats(sometimes I use a 5lb dumbell I lift over my head as I squat down and bring back down to chest as I rise)
5. 100 mountain climbers
6. 200 heel beats lying on stomach
7. 100 chest raises lying on stomach pressing toes to floor keeping abs tight
8. 50 chest raises simultaneously raising legs off floor kinda like a superman
9. 100 diagonal leg raises each leg (sitting on floor propped on one side supporing with elbow with one leg straight up)
10. 100 inner thigh pulses each leg(lying on ground supporting with elbow and forearms while one leg stays bent and extended leg pulses with foot flexed)
11. 50 toe to knee leg raises each leg (lying on ground)
12. 75 heel beats lying on back
13. 75 butt thrusts
14. 100-200 calf raises

Sorry for such a long post but I appreciate any feedback
Wow! That is a seriously routine. Looks great to me..Puts mine to shame lol. But even with all that you cannot spot weight lose. You lose fat from all over at once and where it is the biggest will go down slower as it is thicker. The only way to fix this is to consume fewer calories per day than you burn per day a great free websight for monitering this is FitDay! Have fun!
Your workout seems great, but if your looking to build your upper arms and legs more you should start doing handstand wall holds, and single leg squats.
My first thoughts are quite positive. You are obviously highly motivated. You are tackling quite a workload and utilizing a good variety of movements. The hip raises and superman like exercises are extension movements, very valuable and very often lacking in even the most ambitious routines.

High intensity intervals, like tabatas, are excellent. As you know, true tabata is 4 minutes of ultra-intense effort, focusing everything you've got into 20 seconds followed by just ten seconds of rest. When planning a tabata, be sure not to waste your time with exercises like calf raises or curls. Big movements like FAST burpees, alternating jump lunges or air squats are better choices. Don't be afraid to experiment with other interval rhythms as well.

Most of us are chasing your same goal, "more fat loss in general." Often people establish a routine based on the body parts they want to look better followed by a magic number or reps and sets. The conventional wisdom used to be A) focus on working the muscles of the offending body parts, and B) max weight 8-12 reps for bodybuilders and light weight "high reps" for fat loss.

A) Body part focus is misguided. Regular practice of squats and mountain climbers are going to impact that pooch more than 10,000 crunches. If fat loss is the focus of a particular workout don't waste your time lying on the ground making your already muscular abs burn. If you enjoy them, a variety of "ab exercises" and concentrated muscle work like flys, curls and calf raises are great and they can have a wonderful impact on your figure. In and of themselves they are not an efficient way to burn fat. For your workout you might try using those exercises as a short active recovery exercise between the really hard stuff.

B) Effective workouts can be designed using all kinds of different rep, set and weight schemes (factored together these give us volume). Sometimes we go crazy trying to change these variables in an attempt to squeeze results out of our workouts, but there is one variable I see ignored time and time again. Density is essentially a measure of how fast you complete a volume of work (i.e. workout). Training to do your routine better and faster has a tremendous impact on metabolism. Try making a game out of your workouts by seeing if you can perform as well in less time.

Lastly, consuming fewer calories is not the only solution and in fact can easily backfire, especially for someone engaged in heavy exercise.
Are you able to join a gym? Maybe order an adjustable dumbbell set or a barbell set. Lots of affordable prices if you know where to look.
By the sounds of it, if you are pumping that many reps out with the heaviest resistance band, you need to up the resistance.