Hey this is my second post on the forum what it is my sleeping pattern has changed alot, has it is the holidays, i get up at 1 in the afternoon and sleep around 4 or 5 in the night.Well this is the problem i cant get my 5 meals in all at once... well i can before i sleep but then i start eating at night like 2 in the night or 3 then i get tierd and go bed but most of the stuff is like chicken or half a sandwhich, but like today my sweet tooth took over me and i ate a chocolate mini roll.Well i also have problems has my mum doesnt help me that much what ever she cooks its like you HAVE to eat it or you have to make somethink else but then im stuck on what to0 make, mostly i would have egg-omlet (no yoak - non stick pan) theres other things like tuna sandwhich and chicken, oats etc i cant eat beef has im sikh.I really not sure what to eat like on meals i checked on this great site and have some recipes.
I was just wondering if anyone could help me has im new to this.
Also may i add its very hard for me to add my intake for the whole day has indian food has so much stuff in there its so hard to like think how much fat.etc will be in there.Also my mum makes it right in the moring ready for tonight.
Thanks for reading through my post and i hope i will learn somethink from you great people
I was just wondering if anyone could help me has im new to this.
Also may i add its very hard for me to add my intake for the whole day has indian food has so much stuff in there its so hard to like think how much fat.etc will be in there.Also my mum makes it right in the moring ready for tonight.
Thanks for reading through my post and i hope i will learn somethink from you great people