Need Help!


New member
Hello, i am 5'11 , 17 years old and just looking to build muscle and lose a little weight. I have been going to the gym almost everyday for the last 3 weeks.I even started taking whey protein but have not seen any results, I do weight exercises everyother day and cardio everyday , can anyone help me?
When you say you you haven't seen results, what are you measuring this by? Mirror, scale, measurements.

Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time is hard but doable. I've actually found it easier to lose the fat first and then gain mass (all the while, keeping your strength, if not improving it).

Are you doing any HIIT? That is really good to lose fat without losing muscle mass.

Both fat loss and muscle gain are about eating correctly. Try to eat natural unprocessed foods. To lose fat, keep your total daily calories in a deficit, to gain muscle, do the opposite, eat more!
Best talk to Steve about this,
You can build muscle, or loose fat.
One takes excess calories and one takes negative calories. Loosing fat will emphasize what muscle you have and generally make you look more muscle. For that, eat less calories than you are using. Keep protein up, but you probably don't need the protein shakes unless you have a poor diet. Just have regular meals and slip protein in each one (ie meat, dairy, eggs)
Basicly doing say normal running, then going hard out for about a minute, and then dropping back to normal, repeat a bunch of times :)

it gets your system running in all burners
Hello, i am 5'11 , 17 years old and just looking to build muscle and lose a little weight. I have been going to the gym almost everyday for the last 3 weeks.I even started taking whey protein but have not seen any results, I do weight exercises everyother day and cardio everyday , can anyone help me?

sup man! what are your stats? how much you weigh? what are you into? what do you do for fun? Is this your last year of school? or do you have one more year? The best way I would suggest man, is to join wrestling. even if its just for one year. You'll learn a lot, and get in shape no prob. If i had a time machine I would go back and tell myself to do it
i am 5 foot 11 , 17 years old and weigh about 175.
im into all kinds of sports so ill pretty much try anything. I appreciate the help
well, your BMI is not overweight. So There is no health need to drop any weight. So you're at a point where you want to change body comp, for either aesthetics, or for performance. Based on you not specifically mentioning anything about wanting to get better at a particular task I'm gonna assume its for aesthetics.

Again dude... I'd totally recommend wrestling. You'll learn a lot about hard work, gaining strength, even nutrition. You have a team working together with a common goal. To get tougher, stronger, faster, lighter, and most important disciplined.