Need Help


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Hey you guys this is my first post but anyways, I am 14 years old and im 5'8 and i weigh 180lbs. I need to loose about 25 pounds. Im starting to race my dirtbike and i need to get off a little weight for various reasons for this. Any tips for loosing 25-30 pounds. what kind of excercising. does cardio count as traing on my dirtbike? Also when i work out my arms like curling and that works on your forearms and biceps, even if im not sweating is that burning the fat on my arms or just building muscle?
Doing curls, or any exercise, will not burn fat in that specific area. When you burn fat, your body determines where it comes from. Bicep curls will help to develop the biceps. Strength training is good for weight loss in that, the more muscle you have, the more calories your body must burn in order to maintain that muscle.

As far as starting a specific exercise program, ideally an adult could help you directly with that to get you started as you can mess up growing bones and joints very quickly. I'm sure you have enough sense to know that would not be good. Talk to your parents and see if they might could help you - maybe a couple of sessions with a trainer, or maybe check with a coach at school. The worst thing you (or anybody really) could do would be to just start lifting weights all willy-nilly based off of internet stuff and magazine articles.

As far as food is concerned, I'm assuming that most of what you eat comes from your parents. Do they eat healthy? Is your mom willing to help you out in this regard?
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yeah, my moms on the weight watcher stuff I just need to follow her diet because she is losing weight. For a trainer after the first of the year i am going to get a motocross trainer to help me out with getitng in shape for racing and personal fitness.
Weight Watchers is a good program for many reasons. The fact that it teaches you to make the right decisions in the real world is one of my biggies. Many diets either have you eat nothing but their food (Jenny Craig, etc) or stick to a specific bunch of rules - they don't help you deal with dinner at a friend's house where you have no control over the menu or going to a restaurant, etc.

Following WW guidelines is a good place to start. They have a lot of resources that help you understand what kind of choices to make, etc.