Need help

Why is it that I have absolutely no problem doing a 45 min uphill run on a treadmill and more on occasion but as soon as I go outdoors I have to stop after a few minutes because I cant control my breathing as well? I am in perfect health and have two weeks to get this right for a physical for the army. HELP!!!!
The temperature, probably...

Paula here. Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately it has one flaw.... I live in Ireland we have no temperature!!!! Hail, rain yes sunshine NO. Your quote(Pain is a weakness.....) Navy Seals??? Anyway any advice on overcomming this I would be most grateful.
I believe you have to work your way into it just like anything else. I know running on a treadmill is still running but as you can see it is not the same thing as running outside. If you want to get better at something, practice. Meaning keep at it outside and you will start progressing.
Exactly what karl said.. If you want to improve your squat, you squat. If you want to improve running outside, run outside. You may not be able to go as long, but your gains will come just a quick, and probably quicker outside.

Other things it could be... outside you don't just run straight, you turn; outside the ground isn't perfectly level; outside their is much more water in the air; and outside the air might be a few degrees warmer (this plays a large role in the density of air, and the amount of blood going to cool your body, so even if your treadmill is 3 degress cooler than outside it will make a difference)..

Hope this helps. And it's the marines ;)
Treadmills have a springiness to them, so they actually help you lift your leg back up after each stride. Obviously the ground doesn't do the same. It probably is taking a little more energy to run outdoors. It could also be psychological...on a treadmill you lose your sense of distance, especially if you don't watch the distance meter. Outside, you can see that sign post far ahead...and by the time you finally pass it, it feels like forever.
It could also be because you're more focused at the gym on the treadmill simply because everyone else there is exercising and it motivates you sub-consciously.
I just wanna say that that "pain is weakness leavin your body" is now a part of my daily train..I constantly say that phrase lol .. it has helped psychologically :):)

oh! And be Welcome Paula !!!
Thank you all for your advice. Sorry Mreik!!! I'll remember next time!! Anyway my physical is in four days and I think your right I have to start believeing I can do it as Tony Quinn said take away the belief that you cant do something and whats left is the knowledge that you can. But I so nervous as well lets hope I get an adreniline rush!!!! thank you for your welcome Maf good to be here:(
How To Lose And Gain Weight At The Same Time!!!

Hi Everyone!!

I have found myself in the unenviable position of having to drop some body weight(my BMI 24% needs to be 22%) and gain more muscle so to enable me to do 6-10 chin ups. As a female this may be difficult. I have been given SOOO MUCH bad advice now I need some good. The army has given me 11 wks to achieve this. Can it be done and pease somebody who knows what they talking about tell me how??? What about supplements???

karl is right. i wrote not that long ago wanting to improve my bench and the best advice i got was to improve it do it. well i did and surpast my goals. same with the running i've only got to drop 10 sec off my run by feb . so doable. if your determined to do it you can do anything but it takes work and drive. we are all rooting for you. good luck and keep your chin up!
All my posts in this thread cos its quicker and I a busy girl!! My bad advice? I was told to work on nothing but biceps and triceps!!! That women could not do full press ups and certainly not chin ups!! I'm new to 'working' for fitness as an archaeologist digging ditches kept me lean, but since I gave that up and I suppose have to work at it everyone has advice but the worst came from a personal trainer who gave me above advice. So whats best to achieve my goal???

If you wanna continue posting on this forum, I highly suggest you stop pushing your site.

If you want to come here and post FREE fitness tips, be our guest. When you want to promote your site in order to make money off of our members, we have a problem with that.

Stop now, or be banned, this is your final warning.
Increase your upper body strength, through conditioning. This includes your shoulders, arms, chest and back. Remember you are using your upper body to lift the dead weight of your lower body. Some depends on your lower body build to what is needed in that area. But no matter what you have to have the upper body strength to do it.

Good Luck!

Taylor H.
words to the unscrupulous

I rest my case With Laylafit. If your giving someone money for help they'll screw you because the longer they keep you working the more money they get!!! Well I can run on my own two legs and it costs me nothing!!! Thank you to the people who gave me good advice because they want to see people succeed not because it lines their pockets!!! It sickens me that people can see our goals, dreams, aspirations etc in terms of money. You make make money but when your gone you cant take it with you!!!
