need help with nutrition!!


New member
hey all.

i am 18 years old my hieght is 5.11 and my weight is 160 which in my opinion is not good. i would like it to be 175 by the end of September which i think is reasonable.

i joined the gym about 2 weeks ago to build and tone but i have not noticed any weight gain (i should be gaining around 1-2 pounds a week) i am still 160.
As far as i no my weight traininbg program is not the problem but it is the eating part that is the problem.

i got a summer job at a warehouse which is usually physically demanding and because of it i am using alot more energy then i am giving my body.

so here is what i need help with:

my daily calorie intake should be around 3500-4000 but i think because i am a very picky eater i get about 2000 or so.

does any1 know or have a good website that can help me make a very good musclebuilding diet plan?

If you want to gain muscle, you have to eat more. You can't build muscle if you're eating too little.

I posted on your other thread some suggestions, but basically what it boils down to is eating healthy food, getting in enough protein (1g per pound of body weight) and eating ENOUGH food.
you could have the best muscle building gym plan on earth. if you're not eating enough food, you're not gaining a single pound...

Dude, I eat over 4000 calories a day. Anything less than 3500 and i'm losing weight. It's not that hard to understand why you're having problems. you're not eating anywhere near enough.

Rules for gaining muscle for those first starting out
1) EAT
4) LOTS of big heavy compound movements. LOTS. Vast majority of your workout should be free compounds. So if it's a ton of crap like leg press, smith machine, any machine for that matter, pec dec, bi curls, tri extensions, delt flys, leg raises, cable pulldowns, ham curls, etc etc in your workout, scrap it. it's useless. Find something like starting strength or westside for skinny bastards that will build you a solid foundation of strength and size first and formost.

As for an eating plan, dude, just eat a ton of clean foods. For hard rules, I'll help a bit with this as an outline.
1) protein should be 170-200g per day
2) fats should be 100g per day
3) carbs is the only variable factor. start at 350g per day. keep increasing it by 10% per week until you start gaining weight.

As for foods themself, here are some good bulking tips. drink 2L (or 4) of milk a day. Extra lean ground beef, buy it in bulk cheap, eat 1lbs a day. olive oils in salads, canola oils in pan frying foods like your beef or chicken. Flaxseed oil in shakes an easy way to add extra fats and calories. Any nut sources are high in calories and healthy fats. Whole grain pastas are great for healthy carbs. Learn to love chicken, buy frozen skinnless breasts in bulk for cheap. Lots and lots of fruits and veggies. need quality nutrients too.
I'm clueless about body-building but KaraCooks and Jynus have suggested eating more. If you are finding that you're too busy running around at work to eat, you should try increase you calorie intake with liquids.
Protein shakes and such may help :)
You can try keeping bite sized snacks in your pocket to munch on during the day. Pity you don't eat beef because you could have little packets of beef jerky to up your protein intake.
if you want more info i would recommend this is where i refer too if i need help. all the best strength coaches in the world in my field use this resource and post their articles etc on their. it really is the best place for all this sort of info.