Need help with muscle questions for my biology 2 class

1. what uses more muscles, smiling or frowning and give # of each.

2. What are the muscles used in sit-ups, push-ups, bicep curls, leg curls and give the prime mover of each one.

so far all i have is that we use 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown and that sit-ups use abdominal muscles, hip flexors, illias, and psoas muscles ( if that is even correct). I also have so far that the prime mover for push-ups is pectorals.

Every website gives me different answers so any plz help me if you know anything. THANKS
Go here to get most of your answers.
Google is your friend. As an example, I googled "bicep curl muscles" and a bunch of sites popped up. This one has the info you need for the muscles used. So, spend a bit of time on google.