Need help with exersize!

I'm 14 and I've honestly lived pretty much a sedetary life. Now I'm going for a life change and I need help decideing diet and exersize routines.
Here's some bio:
150 lbs.
Idk my body fat %.
I've never had a roll of fat in my life but I notcied I'm starting to get some fat on me.
I guess through genetics I have a high motabolism.
I don't eat fast food, if I do it is usally Subway(Cold cut combo) or my absolute weakness Dunkin Dougnuts(Sprinkles). My mom is willing to buy healthy food, I love cooking so if I have to prepare it it's fine. My dad has weights in the basement;barbels, stationary bike, speed bag, a machine that has you lift you'r legs up and the weights in the back rise and e bar above you you pull down and things on the side you push forward(I know it's an exersize machine with three things, idk what it's called but it has coords and weights. It's pretty cold down there as it's winter and I know to drink alot of water. So what I'm asking is using what I have, what exersize routines should I do and what diet should I use to lose fat and gain muscle. I can't benchpress because I'll be working out alone and will have noone there to lift the bar off my neck if it falls.
Thanks :) if you need any more info just ask.