Sport Need help with dieting thanks.

Sport Fitness
Hey i mean im not fat but i weigh 115 pounds at age 19. Umm like i can kinda see the outline of my abs thru some fat but that's it. and when i sit down it's impossible to see them and i see a flab.. I want to know if im eating correctly.

Here's what i do somedays

Ill wake up and have like 2 bagels and cream cheese cause bagels have 11 grams of protein in them. and it's low fat creamcheese doubt hat really is "low fat" then that would be around 1:00 clock, then i like would lift some weights for like 30 min or so. and do some sit ups in between. Cause i workout in my room. then i wont eat lunch, and ill eat dinner which my parents will make like spaghetti or chicken or broccoli casrole or something like that their crazy good cooks man. Neway so am i eating good or no bagels or wat?
I'm still learning the whole diet/fitness thing.. but from what I gather there are three potential big problems with your diet.

One is that you are only eating two meals a day which is not good.. it's better to eat 5-6 half sized meals.

Another is that you might not be eating enough calories throughout the day.. maybe someone else can point you to a daily caloric intake calculator because I seem to have lost the link.. but I'm guessing you should be eating at least ~2200 calories a day. If you are trying to gain muscle mass then you are definately not eating enough.

A third is that your diet is very high in carbs and low in protein (another reason you aren't gaining any muscle mass). Your bagel may have 11g of protein, but it probably also has 50-60+g carbs. Also, pasta is loaded with carbs.. so if all you eat is a bagel and some pasta.. you probably aren't getting enough protein in your diet.

Like I said, I'm still learning, so if someone else finds any flaws in my analysis, feel free to comment.
yeah man your prolly right. Man im always messin up somewhere. Well i hope some one else can really point me in the right direction. What was that thing calculator? it's a website?