Sport Need help with diet plan

Sport Fitness
Hi needing help with my diet.

Basically I'm 5ft 2" weighing around 48-50kg always fluctuating...

I train 5days a week legs twice a week, other body parts rest of days. Each workout session followed by 30 mins low intensity cardio. I am following my routine off a fitness model I like.

Office job so sitting for 8 hours a day!! :-(

Training consistent like this for the last 3 months before that I done insanity. I have gone from a size 4-6 to a size 8-10 :) so big improvement!!!

Eating daily

6am big bowl oats so simple golden syrup

9am 1scoop when protean

12am 40z chicken or fish with half pack if microwave whole grain rice and lots of veg.

3pm fat free Greek yoghourt and fruit and but granola

4pm banana and tanga teen and maybe but and honey bar

Gym about 5pm

7pm ribeye steak or chicken or fish with potato (never eat a whole one usually just skin! No butter and veg

9-10pm 1scoop whey protean

Basically calculated and I'm only getting 1400 calories a day apparently!! So obv this isn't enough!

I train very hard. Look more like a man in the gym that a girl lol!

Holding fat around stomach especially! Cellulite on legs . Never used to have this. Although at 7stone I basically was skin and bone! Anyways I have cellulite now.. Quite bad I'm surprised!

And quite a bloated face.

Any suggestions..

I'm guessing my diet isn't the best.

I want to get rid of the pudge..

Diet wise there are a couple of red flags, high sugar content, granola bars, honey, golden syrup etc. and probably more protein than you need, consider excess protein is either converted to lipoprotein (fat) if it can be or disposed of in urine.
Calorie needs are personal, I would disappear on 1,400 a day and only just maintain at around 3,500, but I am a freak of nature as my wife points out.
The office job gives you plenty of time to recover which is great for enabling you to train harder if you want to. I use mine as time to recover and eat constantly.
Training wise.
How often do you vary your resistance training and what style do you do? eg. every 2 months high reps low weights.
Cardio need variety too, so you may want to throw in some intervals etc. to shock the body into working harder.
I know you are saying you want rid of pudge, what are your overall goals training wise.
Last part. You stating your weight in stones suggests another UK resident. I know that there is a serious alcohol culture here, and most don't count the calories of their liquid diet. I am also shocked frequently by what people think of as not drinking a lot, as a teetotaller who could never handle more than a couple of pints I find it crazy to see most consider this volume starting to relax in the evening. Have you included any fluids into your calculations, be they alcohol, soft drinks sweetened tea or coffee etc?
Hi well fluids I drink water. Very Rare that I drink coffee or tea literal about 3 times a month! *As for alcohol the last time I had that was in January so again I barely drink. Mainly because I can't consume it haha!! And I feel like it bloated me.

I used to be very unhealth untill nearly 2 years ago so what I'm eating Is very health compared to the way I used to be.

I don't really know about when I should change my routine.

Basically legs I do:

Warm up..
Currently squat 64kg 3x12

Leg press wide feet 115+

Close feet 3x12

Leg extension 42+

Hamstrings 3x12

Dead lifts 3x12

Then half hour cardio. I'm always alternations speed ext.. And different machines.

I dont know if u want me to tell u my whole work out like chest ext if so let me know..

I'm really stuck like I have no idea what to eat!

Also in work it's very very busy I don't even get a break I just have to eat at my desk so kinda something that's easy to prepare in evening or morning so I can just take to work at eat when working!

I have 1 scoop protean shake so all together 2 scoops in a day.

I have been told to have protean first thing in morning last thing before bed, before workout after work out so I'm just confused!

Also I think maybe I might be retaining through eating such few calories when burning more off! What you think?

Thank you for reply*
No problem on the fluids there then. You will know many people who make the questions I asked valid.
There are so many myths around protein intake. When you look at a miracle food that is supposed to be able to make you gain and lose weight it raises red flags, that was what started me learning decades ago.
Good diet is about balance and if you know there is something missing sensible supplements can be useful. However in most cases people supplement without needing to which messes up the balance. The western diet is high in fats, sugars, protein and salt so proportionately low in the complex carbs we are designed to get most of our energy from. Supplements are generally high in proteins and sugars, even some salts, stuff most are having too much of anyway.
If you think I am typing nonsense, please check what I say, it is dangerous to rely on one persons opinions and what I will admit is years old research. In modern times however I have had to produce stats regarding health which show the fastest growing cause for blindness worldwide is type 2 diabetes because of high sugar intake, instances of diabetes are growing faster than those of heart disease hence I raised a red flag over your sugar intake, I will go further later because I don't think you are at risk of diabetes but there is more to understand.

The insulin curve issue. The human body is one of the most resilient regarding sugar intake of any animal not designed for having sugar as it's main energy source, a fact making the previous paragraph more shocking. We can do this by using insulin to remove excess glucose from the bloodstream, but this system has a weakness, it's inability to forecast.
When you eat any form of carbs they are broken down to glucose for absorption into the blood. complex carbs we are designed for take time to be broken down and release glucose slowly over a period of around half an hour in most cases. Simple carbs are broken down almost instantly and flood the bloodstream with glucose, especially fructose (fruit sugar) which is glucose with a different name. This doesn't make fruit unhealthy but something to be wary of dried in cereal bars.
The body will always try to prepare for upcoming hazards, in the case of sugar intake this will be by releasing a load of insulin, usually more than is needed to get rid of the influx of glucose, once or twice a day this is fine, when more frequent this becomes an issue. When there is too much glucose to store as glycogen this will be converted to fat for storage, which is why people think carbs = fat, then with a level of glucose below ideal because of the sudden dump of insulin the body sends out signals of hunger calling for instant sugar.
So high sugar diets result in sudden influxes being converted to fat and you being hungry for more sugar starting the whole process again. Complex carbs, the delightful bland starch is different, it still releases glucose but the slower release means the body gets the insulin balance right, in fact it often leaves more glucose in the blood at the end as long it's within safe limits making you feel alert and awake longer.

Protein, a sample of truth. We need it, without it we will die, but that is the same for most nutrients given time. It is used to repair and build body tissue, including the cells used to store fat and of course muscle. It is also used to build enzymes to assist digestion, hormones to make your life possible and hellish on occasion. They are building materials not miracle workers.
The human animal didn't survive millions of years being wasteful, when it has more of anything than it needs it tries to use it when possible. In the case of fats, straight to storage, carbs convert to fat and store. Some protein is similar to the carbs in that way where it can combining amino acids to make lipoproteins and storing them as fats, any that cannot be combined in this way have to be disposed of before they break down to ammonia in the body, this is done by converting them to urea and disposed of in urine, a process requiring disposal of water, heavy stuff.
So high protein diets can make you lose weight in short term as water, but long term they will increase levels of stored fat. Even with this I recommend having a diet with a tiny amount more protein than you need if training because you will burn this fat easily. However this doesn't need supplements we get enough of it already.

Balance. I tend to use food pyramids for rough guidance on proportion of food, avoid those saying portion numbers, I have never met anyone knowing what a portion is. Look at volume alone, mostly staple foods, potato, pasta etc. then veg and fruit, then meat, whole dairy, fish etc. with oils, sweets, sauces etc. being the slightest hint or the cherry at the top of the pyramid.
If you want to gain weight eat the same balance but more of it, lose it same balance but less of it. It looks far too simple but once you have your balance it really is that easy to work out.

Exercise variation. The body gets used to doing the same thing and becomes more efficient at it, so to keep the body working harder on resistance work you need to shuffle things up, ideally every couple of months. This could be changing exercises, style of training or both. Examples could be doing a session with squats, leg press and calf raises on a machine for 3 sets of 15, then change to 4 sets of 10 after a couple of months or switch out the exercises to hack squats, tuck jumps and barbell calf raises etc.
Cardio loves variety, static state is good when used along with some intervals on other days, varying activities is always good, says the man doing the same run 3 days a week for almost a year. Even doing static state can be varied, changing distance and pace can be a good way to keep the body guessing, 20 minutes at a high pace one day and 30 at a moderate pace the next is still variation.

Office work turned positive. I like my desk job, spent years doing manual work and the soft, heated, air conditioned environment is much nicer. It enables me to have a microwave rice steamer (looks like a bucket) with rice soy sauce and eggs in it and a bowl of oats and milk on my desk all day and just eat a spoon of forkful at a time slowly through the day, meaning I never end up hungry and can eat what I need. For me this is a way of eating more, but in the case of weight loss this browsing style can be a way to eat small amounts through the day to prevent hunger and be burning the energy before it gets stored as fat.
As I said it also gives you a guaranteed recovery time so you can train as insanely as you want burning more energy. Yes your colleagues will laugh at you when your buttock ache so much you look like you didn't make it to the toilet in time, but either they will be trainers themselves and appreciate it or you can laugh at them for being out of breath on the stairs or looking like bowling balls. It's good to give colleagues a laugh anyway, it stops them hating you for being perfect, which of course you will be for years to come.

This is obviously still very high level stuff. There are some great exercise routines etc. on here and general guidance. When seeking generic advice the name to look for is definitely Goldfish, he is undoubtedly one of the best generic trainers I have encountered, I very rarely disagree with his stuff, we occasionally add to each others because he's read more up to date stuff while I read to insomnia curing levels years ago.
When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don't eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It's not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym - a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).
hi all am 29 male ht 172.5cm weight 58.2kg bmi is 19.6 skinny wiz smo body fats. bodyfat is on my lower abs i can see upper abs bt nt lower am underweight i want to gain weight may b abt 90 kg to build muscle am very active at work do lots of cycling all the day lke going to work n do grocery stuff am on my feets all day long can u plz suggest me a whole day meal plan wizout pork .n plz am new to weight a weekly workout plan will b good also wat supplement to take n wat to eat before n after workout plz provide me the info thanks in advance
need help with diet plan

hi all am 29 male ht 172.5cm weight 58.2kg bmi is 19.6 skinny wiz smo body fats. bodyfat is on my lower abs i can see upper abs bt nt lower am underweight i want to gain weight may b abt 90 kg to build muscle am very active at work do lots of cycling all the day lke going to work n do grocery stuff am on my feets all day long can u plz suggest me a whole day meal plan wizout pork .n plz am new to weight a weekly workout plan will b good also wat supplement to take n wat to eat before n after workout plz provide me the info thanks in advance
Hey guys,

just wanted to let you know that I have a special 5 day promotion on Amazon Kindle coming up where my newest book on investing in gold will be available for FREE.
It will be free starting Sunday 08/31/14 until Thursday 09/04/14
“No More Cellulite: Say Goodbye to Cellulite in 3 Easy Steps!”

Joanne :)
I think you need to add something new in your deit plan or daily workout routine. Include some healthy and fat loss food into your deit plan. Before few months my position was similar like you 8 hours of sitting job and i became fatty then i joined the innerfight gym and did exercises under the guidance of professional trainner of innerfight. They also provided me the proper diet plan. I also suggest you to join them.
Well said Crazyoldman.