Need Help With At Home Routine

Hello everyone. This is my first post! I just discovered this message board through Google and I thought I would give it a try.

My name is Matt. I will be 24 years old on Oct. 17th. I am 5'10", 130 lbs (+ or - 2 lbs) and very skinny. I have a very high metabolism; I can eat anything I want and as much of it as I want and not gain a single pound. Now that you know a little about my build, on to my question...

What is a good at home workout routine to build muscle for someone of my size and body type? I do not have any weights but I do have resistance bands. I have been doing push ups off and on but I seem to reach my breaking point at about 15. I also do sit ups on occasion and the amount of those I can do varies.

I would like to add some muscle to this skinny body of mine. What are the best exercises for me to do in order to achieve this? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
It would be very beneficial to gain access to some free weights. How about joining a gym YMCA? finding bargain equipment on Craig's list or something?

When it comes to gaining weight you will never gain an ounce unless you eat a caloric surplus (more than your body is burning) Your metabolism may be higher than average, but there is a breaking point. Start counting your calories and experiment. I have to eat 5000 calories a day to bulk
What is a good at home workout routine to build muscle for someone of my size and body type?

What are the best exercises for me to do in order to achieve this? Any help would be much appreciated.

I helped a 7feet 200lb basketball center gain 27pounds in 8 weeks with workouts similar to this one. Get at least a pair of dumbbels because you will need to upgrade your workouts in order to keep gaining muscle.

The Answer to your questions

Home Workout
Superset push and pulls, upperbody exercises with lowerbody exercises.
If the resistance is too light then go explosive. like explosive pushups or squat jumps. Also if you can do pull-ups or chin-ups would be really good.

1st super set (do it by time or per reps make it intense)
Band pulls (you can use different grips)(chin ups if you can)
Push-ups (elevate your feet or go one hand to increase intensity)

2nd super set
Band Flyes
Squat (Jumps or use the bands)

3rd super set
Swimmer band pulls
Band Shoulder press (or front raises)

4th super set
single leg RDL
T push-ups (core work, don't do the push-up if you can't)
Band crunches

Other exercises you can use
Bulgarian Squats
Split squat or static lunge
Bridges (single leg or both legs)
Lunges (front, back, side or jumping)
Plank (front, back and side)
close grip push-ups
band lateral raises
Band Pull downs
Single leg hip extension
mountain climbers
Jumping jacks

I like super sets or tri-sets because is a home workout and is a good way to increase the intensity.

Also you can make good weight gainer shakes with protein powder, fruits and ice cream (good taste and lots of calories)

I hope this helps and good luck