Need help with a pull up/push up workout plan

New member and need some help. I'm 21, about 6'3" with a slim build. I've never really been into the gym and never done a consistent workout. I know if I join a gym I'll go for a few weeks then sack it off, so I want to try and get a decent workout plan that I can do from home involving pull ups, push ups and crunches. I don't know how to go about making this plan.

Currently I can do:
3 chin ups
2 pull ups
6 push ups
20 crunches

Don't know how many sets I should do, of how many, how often or anything. Literally have no idea. Any help on sorting out a workout plan with these kind of exercises appreciated.
Pullups, are hard at the beginning, and if you say you can do 3 then I can imagine, that at the next set when you try to Pull up again, it just doesn't happen right?

Only solution is to do more things man, more sets.

Start by doing more Pushups, ideally 'easier' than Pullups, weight wise.

In my opinion, do the Pullups you can, but when you're done, then move to pushups, work every muscle you can until it's possible. If better, split pushups into sets of 10.

And for situps, man I'm sure you can do more! There's infinite variations you can do. Do 20 crunches, rest a minute, and do another exercise, guaranteed you will make it man, don't give up and you'll slowly improve.