Weight-Loss Need help with a diet



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Ok So i want to lose weight but yet still maintain muscle mass not gain any but really dont want to lose what i have just want to lose some fat. So what should I eat and do? And how much and how often should I eat a day?

Hi Fuseone,

If you are going to ask me, you should go for a raw food diet. this kind of diet deals only with raw foods. this mean that you stay away from foods that are cooked and processed. The only thing you will eat are raw. Raw veggies and fruits.

This will surely give you a lean body and a strong body built. You can research more about raw foods cause maybe you are not fully aware of it or you are not convinced to submit yourself to this kind of lifestyle.

based on my experience, i have been noticing significant changes that made me feel so strong, energized and happy.
Get plenty of protein and do strength training :) As long as you're eating at a deficit (less calories than you burn during a day), get enough protein and do strength training, it should help you lose fat and not muscle. The rest is just in the noise.
Hey Fuse,
You didn't really give a lot of info. Do you have a lot of muscle already? How often do you work out? What sort of workout routines are you doing (i.e., strength training, or cardio)? What is your diet like right now?
I'd say that the "short" answer is to work harder at the gym. If you're not already, try cross-training and high-intensity workouts. Couple that with a basic, yet delicious, diet of tons of veggies, some meats and grains, and occasional fruits and nuts. There's no perfect answer here, so you'll have to do some trial and error. Good luck.
let's get raw

I'd say exercise is really good because it burns down a lot of fats.
However, I believe too its very necessary to maintain a certain diet that's less in fat. Say, foods which are non-oily and non greasy. Foods steamed are also good sources of foods for a person who wants to lose fat.

Raw foods can also be very helpful in terms of losing fat. It makes use of fruits and vegetables which gives you a complete, totally healthy meal.

webmd - raw-food-diet

I'd highly suggest doing real research before following an extreme diet like the Raw Food diet. Based on your goal, I would definately NOT suggest it.

And Jericho with another slam on the raw food diet. Maybe you could start a thread discussion for raw foods pros and cons? I'd be curious to hear your take in full.
Well, Web MD did a pretty good job with discussing it. As far as 'a slam', when you are talking about a diet plan that cuts out a vast amount of food sources out there then yes that is an extreme diet..or lifestyle change if you prefer. I linked a Web MD review of the diet plan as well as suggested that for this OP's goals, this is not the plan for him.
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Well Jericho, I highly respect your opinion regarding raw foods.. That you think its extreme and impractical.. But then, I won't stop from telling people how they could be changing one's life.. Because personally, there were a lot whose lives changed because of it, and raw foods could be that change some people in this forum needed.

Thank for your comments, though.

that's fine. I'll also keep providing actual facts and information about the 'raw food' diet that will let them make that choice instead of just tossing out selling points like 'change your life'. Any 'diet' will change your life. It should. Any change to your eating habits to lose weight needs to be something you can do for the rest of your life.