Need help with a core workout

Hello everyone,

This is my first post on these forums!

Any way I am a rock climbing that is pretty much all I do other then go to school. I live in minnesota and the season for outdoor climbing has come to a close because of the weather so it is time to start working out for next season. I have a bunch of stuff that I do for full body workouts. This last season I was working on a climb that required a lot of core strength and I realized that to finish this climb next season I am going to need to dedicate time to better developing my core. I have never worked out only my core it's always just been strong from everything else I do but this time I need to isolat it and get it stronger.

I usually work out at the climbing gym or my house so I don't have any weights. I have a hang board and a pull up bar. I do sit up and stuff but I need something better that will work my lower back/ upper abs/ lower abs / oblique / all of my core. I have heard that front levers are really good for the core however I still can't do a full front lever I can only do one if I I keep one knee bent.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks again.

i'm afraid i cant be of much help for a core workout, only ab workout, but i've been in search of a full core workout to do, so if you get a good answer, please private message it to me.

good luck!
In my knowledge, abdominal-isolation exercises alone are a waste of time. Nobody has weak abs as it is, so, with pure functionality in mind, not a lot of work is required to strengthen them to be sufficient.

Here's a list of some good core exercises:

Russian twists (With a medicine ball, on or off a bosu ball)
Plank (Make it harder by doing opposite arm-leg flies)
Side Plank
Bicycle crunches
Swim (On stomach and opposite arm-leg)
Squats (Will also work back)

As for lower back, you can do deadlifts, back extensions on an incline, and bent-over row.
The hanging bar is the key Fallen, especially gorilla crunches if your biceps can hold it, but a close 2nd are full contact twists. Mix it up between heavy (15 second) and 60 second sets. Gym ball and medicine ball work is ok for super setting but not as the primary exercise. Stay well clear of anything where your hips are on the floor. Also, squats are a huge core workout, much better for the abs than any sit up. All the best! Jon.
In my knowledge, abdominal-isolation exercises alone are a waste of time. Nobody has weak abs as it is, so, with pure functionality in mind, not a lot of work is required to strengthen them to be sufficient.

Here's a list of some good core exercises:

Russian twists (With a medicine ball, on or off a bosu ball)
Plank (Make it harder by doing opposite arm-leg flies)
Side Plank
Bicycle crunches
Swim (On stomach and opposite arm-leg)
Squats (Will also work back)

As for lower back, you can do deadlifts, back extensions on an incline, and bent-over

Hello! How many reps of these should someone do? Or should I put in 30 min of these exercises alternating them with so many reps for each? Thanks!
I usually recommend 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. You can still interchange the exercises, though, like doing 10 reps of one exercise after the other, but still doing 4 sets of each in total.

While I am not great at describing exactly how to preform these exercises on here, I will list some great core/lower back exercises that you can do and maybe you can look them up for a better visual on how to preform them correctly.

-reverse crunch

-leg flutters (lay down, put your hands under your bottom so as not to use them to help with this exercise, crunch your shoulder blades up off the floor, bring both legs off the floor slightly and flutter them up and down---the lower to the ground your legs are, the harder this is. try for 30 seconds at a time)

-scissors (same position as flutters, but open your legs out and close them like a pair of scissors, alternating the top leg each time. once again, the lower you are, the harder this is. and crunching the shoulder blades off the floor makes this harder)

-superman (lay on your belly, arms are open wide and legs are spread --about hip width-- lift both arms and both legs off the floor and hold, then release back to the ground)

-superman/banana (--great for abs and lower back--- hold a superman, then with your arms and legs still up, roll yourself onto your back, engaging those abs and keeping your arms and legs up---just a reverse of superman--keep flipping back and forth holding each side for 10 seconds, for an entire minute)

-russian twist

-pilates boat pose or v-sit

-climb the rope crunch (slowly crunch yourself up pretending like your arms are pulling on a rope--up-2-3-release; up-2-3-release)

I hope some of these help!!!! Good luck with your workout!