Need help to lose weight! Diet/Exercise


New member
Hey guys. I have recently decided to get back into shape. Before I continue, I am not looking for the easiest way or some magical answer. Nor am I looking for a magic pill to burn fat while I play video games. I'm looking for the best and fastest way to lose weight with Diet and Exercise. I was doing p90-x for about a week. Personally I believe it could work, but as I use to be in shape, I find it disheartening to not be able to complete the workouts, or to not be able to perform some of the exercises at all. So Iv'e decided that I must got back to the gym. I use to do kickboxing but I also have never been overweight like this. I need help on deciding a proper diet, and exercise plan. I am very serious about this and I'm aware that this will have to be a lifestyle change and I'm ready and willing. I am about 5'11 - 6'0. and currently 300lbs. As you can see by the numbers, very over weight. My current goal is 200lbs. That is not where i intend to stop, but that is my long term goal for now. I really would appreciate any help I could get in this. Again I'm not afraid of Exercise or dieting. I just need the most effective way to lose weight. Also i want to lose as much as possible before my birthday in December on the 19th. Thanks again guys or girls. :)
If you are 100 pounds overweight, be careful with hard core weight bearing exercise. I have seen it before. People get all fired up about losing weight and in their attempt to "feel the burn" they hurt themselves. And then they cannot move, they get depressed and get even bigger. Start slow with the exercise and learn to listen to your body.

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Yeah I don't want to kill myself. And I have a really strong reason for this. I got a really beautiful woman now and It looks funny hot girl holdin hands with a fat guy so I'm really motivated to get back into shape. I see pictures of how I use to be and I look like I ate that guy haha. Anyways again any help on this is appreciated, thank you :).

PS: Anyone know if Crystal light is a good way to get water in your system?
My Advice:

Wow. 100 pounds by December is a big goal and probably totally unrealistic. Start by walking, briskly every day. Then add in some weight training after a few weeks. Walking is a GREAT way to exercise and also to be social. You can pick up the pace as you get more comfortable, and/or increase the distance you cover. You need to begin doing something that will not cause you (much) pain and that is always available as an option.

It took a long time to gain 100 pounds, it will take a long time to ungain it. 95% of people who lose weight regain it within a year or two. It is essential to take a long term view of your situation- Are you prepared to make real and lasting change in your life? Forever. Because that's what it takes.
Good Luck,
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I for one would stress the important not to be rushed...even just 1 single pound of fat is a HUGE deal. I am heavy like you are minus the hot girlfriend :p But be very careful with you knees and joints....start slow and steady. I just hurt my knee pretty bad jogging and I should have started slower and now I am paying for it.

I for one cut out fast food, cokes, candies, processed foods cold turkey as they say. Maybe start with one thing and roll with it..or do what I did and just it all out at's up to you. Stay positive everyday and take it ONE MEAL AT A TIME, make sound decisions, etc.

100 pounds is a VERY tall order. My advice? Make that a main goal and set a 25 pound short goals. Keep that 100 in the back of your mind but strive for small's vastly less daunting. Cheers buddy, modivation is key!
I think what the Dragonpie was saying is that his long term goal is to lose 100 lbs, but he wants to lose as much weight as he possibly can by his birthday in December. He doesn't want to lose 100 lbs by then.

I agree to take it slow with exercise. If you enjoy p90x then do it. Don't worry about not being able to do some of the stuff. As you continue, you'll get better and you see those changes right before your eyes. That will motivate you!

I suggest you just drinking water, not crystal light. I find calorie counting is a great system for me, but you might want to do something else. Search around this site and I'm sure you'll find a way to lose weight that fits you.
Yes just to clarify, i meant i wanted to try and lose 40 lbs by december, not 100 haha. Im aware that 40 is still a tall order, but from everything i read, the more overweight you are the more you lose to start off with. I figured 40lbs might be a huge order as well, but I feel its doable. Thats roughly 3 lbs a week. I have already lost 6 lbs. as i was at 312 now im at 306. Im aware that is mostly water weight but still progress is progress and im in this for the long run. Women have a way of changing your perspective on things. She wants me to be healthy and so do I. Now I just have an outside motivation to get me started :). I decided to do this on my own, but I know it makes her happy too ^_^. Again thanks for any advise you can give. I do have a Membership at 24 hour fitness and I am using it. I usually do 30 minutes on the treadmill, then upper body(arms, shoulders) next day treadmill then lower body (legs stomach) then the next day i do treadmill (chest and back). then treadmill and no weights. Don't know if this is good. Just looking for some improvements to my workout. I may not be able to do all of what you give me, but I will eventually be doing it like a Pro, please all advise is welcome and any workout routines are appreciated :).

Do not quit P90X because you cannot complete a work out. Make completing a week's worth of P90X work outs your summit! (or 200LBS could be your summit) and remember no one EVER makes it to the top sprinting or overnight. It is a constant battle against temptation to quit and having the strength to summon the courage to move forward.


P90X is structured and comes with proven results! I have a few other EXCELLENT work out plans if you would like me to share.

What have you decided with your diet? What are your current eating habits? Are you a frequent snaker or a one meal gouger?

1/3 of the battle is working out, the other 2/3's is all diet!
Just a quick aside...

P90x is definitely not the appropriate starting place for most overweight novices. It shouldn't be about starting a difficult program and doing it partially until you get used to it. That's how injuries happen.

Heck, even for those who are suited for something like p90x... it's definitely nothing special. It's a prepackaged, generalized program that uses fancy marketing to sell the basics.

And that's why I can't knock it entirely... the basics are what matters. Things like progressive overload, sufficient intensity (load) and volume, a focus on big movements, etc.

But it bares repeating... it's nothing special from a programming point of view.
Thank you all for the input, and I would love to hear any workout plans anyone might have. Remember I am trying to drop weight. I want to lose as much as humanly possible by December. But I am not trying to lose it all by then. Im thinking 40 lbs is doable. Currently I am on a 2500 calorie diet. I cut out white bread, and soda. eating things like Grilled chicken, fish, trying to eat veggies whenever possible. I hate broccoli. If I feel ive done well I get a Lowcarb 6 dollar burger from Carls Jr. Its basically lettuce wrapped around a Beef patty with pickles cheese and onions. Makes me feel like im eating a burger but without the Mao and Bread. I also try and snack every 2-3 hours after a meal. Breakfast at 8am, snack at 10:30, Lunch at 12:30-1, Snack at 3:30-4. Dinner no later than 7. Sleep around 11pm. For my snacks ive been eating Special K protein Bars. And ive been drinking lots of water and Crystal Light. No soda period. :) Thanks to all who can help. My previous eating habbits were simply eating once a day. I ate dinner at like 8-9pm and that was it. Not very healthy at all lol
Also another side not, I have been in good shape before. So exercise is nothing new to me. I would just like some workouts and diets to use so I can get started correctly. Make sure the workouts will benefit from a Gym membership. I have one now and I am using it every day. I have a rest day on Wednesday. I workout all 6 other days. Thanks again :)
Hi Dragonpie

From reading your posts it sounds like you are making a good start. I find cardio workouts much more effective at burning fat then strength training. I agree P90-x is probably not the best place to start. I know seriously althletic guys who regularly get their butt kicked trying to finish one workout. Since you have a gym membership, it should be easy to get in your cardio. I workout 4 days a week and do 30 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of strength training. I've lost 50 pounds in 5 months :) Your 40 pound goal is doable, particularly for a bigger guy.

For diet, I would suggest you ditch the Special K bars. For how small they are the have a lot of sugar and not much nutrition. Fresh, whole foods are a way better option if you can swing it. Also, Crystal Light scares me. Yes, plain water is boring but I am convinced that artifical sweateners contibute to diabetes. I use to drink STUPID amounts of diet soda. I started having symptoms of insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) and as soon as I cut out the artifical stuff the symptoms went away.

Good luck!
I really like the motivation that a personal trainer provides. Do they have them at your gym? You could even just get a basic program and a few follow up appointments. For me spending money makes me more likely to work out, lol and it keeps me accountable to have to check in with a real live person!
I have been where you are.I lost 160 pounds. In a nutshell, this is how I did it all naturally while averaging 10 pounds of weight loss per month.

First, cut the crap food. Have one cheat day per week, to keep from going insane.

Drink a lot of water. 64 oz per day at least.

Most important, eat six small meals per day-every 3 hours. This keeps your metabolism running high all day and even when you sleep.

Workout: Cardio, cardio, cardio. Get that heart pumping hard and fast every day, 30 min sessions twice daily. Also, do full body circuit training. Start off with body weight moves like sit ups, push ups, squats, lunges, mountain climbers, etc. After you get used to that and tone your small stabilizing muscles then you can add weights.

Jogging, biking, swimming and stairs top the list for best cardio workouts. Devise a few workout routines and then switch between them every three weeks, to keep your body from getting used to your workout. This minimizes plateaus

Also, jumping on the scale every week will depress you. I hate mine and only use it maybe once a month. Tracking your body fat percentage and how much you lose in inches is a much better indicator for success. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Just wanted to encourage you in your weight loss program. I did it and you can too. I lost 55 lbs in about 7 months and received much advice on how to do it. I knew I had to start a weight loss program that I could succeed in and not quit 2 weeks later because it was too hard. What I concentrated on in the beginning was just 2 things; diet and a doable exercise program.

My exercise program started with walking daily. With that base I began to add jogging intervals with the walks. Eventually the walks turned into daily runs. Start slow and don't quit.

My diet concentrated on the way and what I ate. Plan what you are going to eat for the entire day, snacks and meals. What you eat will make a big difference on how much weight you will lose. Choose foods that are good for you and give you energy. Like your exercise program, don't start a diet program that you can't succeed with such as cutting your calories count too low. You can eat more if you eat the right foods.

After a month or two you will be able to add resistance training to your exercise program (pushups, ab work etc.). I decided to add these later because I did not want to get so sore that I quit everything.

Keep it up for a month and you'll be hooked! Good luck.
Hey guys just wanted to let you know im still alive!!!!

i broke past that 300 lbs barrior and im currently at 290-295

im in the middle of moving cant get to the GYM its driving me insance!!! Im already completely hooked. I can also see lots o definition in my arms. Is wonderful. Im feeling almost back to my high school self lol. Not even close but i feel great. As for diet, ive been doing a lot of Fish and grilled chicken for dinner. also either eggs and kalbasa for breakfast or SPecial K, and fiber cerials. Chicken salads for lunch and i have the Protein bars that i eat for snacks in between. Try to eat Dinner before 7pm every day. If i cant, i eat really lite or i Drink a whey protein shake. Feeling a lot better.

My workouts of late go as follows:

15 minutes on the bike of cardio - then ill work upper body, biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders, back.


15 minutes no the olyptical The one where you hold onto those bars and run? then i do Core, Crunches/lower-back/lovehandles/thighs/calves


15 minutes on the treadmill and i head home. Usually anywhere from 2-3 hours workout.

Like i said, i did kickboxing since i was 4 to about 16 so exercise is no stranger to me, and I enjoy it. Although the fact i can no longer lift or workout as hard as i use to sucks but im getting there, already im curling 125 no problem. Keep in mind im 6'0 and 290 atm. I know i have some muscle now i can see and feel it.

Thanks for all the help and support guys im not finished, i will have before and after pics :)
Hi Dragonpole,

Well done....

Best regards
