Sport Need help on my new bulking diet

Sport Fitness
Hey, I'm 16 5'10" and 136 pounds. My goal is to weigh 165-170 pounds this summer.

Around how many calories should I eat a day?

Also, can anyone give me short list of food thats really good for snacking or for just general bulking up? I know that I should avoid fast food and other really unhealthy foods and just eat ALOT of healthy foods, but would eating Chipotle without the sour cream be good for bulking?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
You should be getting around 2400 calories to maintain your weight and let's say to start up bulking, you take a 500 calorie boost. Eventually, you can adjust the caloric intake, but don't take boost it up too fast or it will lead to a lot of fat gain.

LV made a good list of good foods that you can eat for bulking or just overall health:
go for it man

just eat and train ask lots of questions, you'll pick up knowledge.