Need Help on leg workout!


New member
Basically I have strong legs...fat around it but lotsa muscle...i know i'll have to just basically do regular cardio to get rid of the fat but my concern is my calves....

I have muscular calves and i don't know if i should be working them out at all. I want to make them leaner/smaller i guess. I'm 5'2" so this is not an attracted look for me. But it looks great in heels!!!! Only thing is...i can't walk on heels if my life depended on it!

Someone please help me....I don't want to have giant calves!!
i dont think theres any way to reduce the muscle. they are basically used for everything so they pretty much get a used even when your just standing there.genetics come into play here too, might just be the way your built, i know mine have always been pretty big too. try to cut back on jumping type exercise that would require you to use them alot -sorry not very helpfull maybe somebody else will have a better idea. :)

oh and about the shoes~heels are sexy but if you cant do them try a high wedge or a big chunky heel more stable and still sexy :) (i love shoes ;) )
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make sure you build your thigh muscles up as well to balance out overall apperance of legs also when you do any weights or resistance on legs remember to stretch afterwards this really stops legs becoming bulky looking also try pilates their leg excercises are very good really tones :)
hmmm thanks!!! i guess i should be doing any calf concentrated work outs then....yeah it's totally genetics...i have my dad's calves...

i love shoes too....i don't know what i would do without wedges!
Hey girl dont feel bad,they probably seem big to you but there probably ok,if you do like you said and get rid of the fat then they might not look as big and they would be more defined.
some body builders would do anything to have your problem, its supposedly a hard area to build(some go as far as getting implants to make them look bigger)
The only way to make that muscle smaller would be to let is attrophy. So as you said - definitely DO NOT WORK them. I have known people who have tried to do the same thing. I would stay away from certain cardio like walking on a treadmill - stairmaster. I think you are better off not doing any calf work and losing the fat with diet. As someone said - you use your calves for almost everything and if the are genetic it is a real challenge. By the way - I'll trade with ya - no matter what I do - My calves dont grow :p