Sport Need help on finding out my daily caloric intake to maintain.

Sport Fitness
Accidentally posted this in body building board, reposting it here.

I was wondering if someone here who is confident in whatever method they use to figure out their daily calric intake to maintain, can help me figure out mine.

I weigh 140 lbs.

I am around 5'10 - 5'11. (I was around 5'9 about 2-3 years ago, and I know I grew a bit so I'm guessing around 5'11 or so)

Age is 20

I work in an office, but I pretty much do whatever is needed of me, and there is a good amount of walking and manual labor that I do around the office along with deskwork.

My workout days are Monday / Tuesday / Thursday / Friday. I work upper body on Monday and Thursday, and lower body on Tuesday and Friday. My upper body workouts range from 45 mins. - 60 mins. My lower body workouts are around 30 minutes. I bench 65, press 60, squat 60. My upper body days consist of bench presses, shoulder presses/military press, dumbbell rows, shrugs, curls etc. Lower body days consist of squats, deadlifts and lunges.

Now that I have given all the info, would anyone be kind as to actually determine my daily caloric intake to maintain? I run into sites that have results ranging from 2000-3000 calories, and they ask for generic info like extreme exercise or moderate exercise etc.
Here's a calorie calculator:


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ran it thru my BMR spreadsheet.
1702 cals is your BMR, which doesnt' include your daily activities.
If we go by a 1.5 multiplier for mostly seated work, but some movement, and of course your workouts, that puts you at 2553 cals to maintain your 140lb weight.
Sounds like you're a hardgainer, so I'd go 3000 cals if you're trying to bulk.

also, get John Berardi's book Scrawny to Brawny.