Need help loosing weight-pear shape body

I am a male and 20 years old, 178cm height. And 67kg. My BMI is below what they say is perfect-which is 69kg. The problem now is that most of the weight is distributed around the stomach area. So what can I do to reduce the "flabiness" of my stomach. Even my breast are a little flabby. my arm is skinny, buy my hands are strong. I do jog like weekly for an hour. But that does not help me. What things can I do? Thanks
Time to lift some weights... and ignore that BMI thing, it is a load of horse hockey! It doesn't take into account body fat % or body type or anything like that - and those things are VERY important. You can be underweight and fat and have a BMI that is less than "ideal", or you can be in great shape and have a BMI that is way above "ideal" so ignore that number forevermore.

Figure out what your Body Fat % is and then check your diet and see if you can start lifting weights in addition to your running - and increase your cardio as well. You should work out at least 3 times a week.
Thanks. Lift weights. Get it. But that will strenghten only my arms? Will do it soon. anymore?cardio? what is that? cardio is heart that I know
First, I would suggest that you do a total body workout with weights. Don't just work on the arms or you will be doing yourself a dis-service. Squats are great! So is the bench press. Building muscle mass (weight lifting) is about the best thing you can do to get rid of fat.

Cardio is short hand for aerobic exercises like running, biking, and things like that. So make sure you keep doing your running (30 minutes, 3x a week or so).
He's right, your arms are not the only thing that will grow. You cannot spot reduce, which means that you cannot pick the place that you wish to lose fat from. You have to lower your total body fat % in order to do this. The best way is through a good diet and exersize. Reduce the amount of processed foods and processed carbs that you consume. Eat more fresh vegetables and a few fresh fruits, lean meats, ect. Now for weightlifting. Muscle regulates the metabolism. More muscle=more fat loss. You DO need to concentrate on a total body workout. You could try something as follows

Bench pressx3
Incline pressx3
Bicep curlsx2
Military pressx2

Goodmornings or hacksquatsx2
Leg curlsx2

Wednesday: no lifting

repeat monday

repeat tuesday

Most of those are compound lifts that I listed for you, which means they work many muscles at once. The majority of your gains will come from these lifts. Keep you cardio workout, do it on weekends or after each weightlifting session. Try to do a cardio workout as follows:

100 yard sprints, do 9 sprints as fast as you can possibly run. Rest for around a minute between each sprint. This type of cardio is aimed at rapid fat loss, without the loss of much muscle.
***I would highly advise doing a warmup jog before sprinting***

Thanks for all the replies. I will start. And one thing I notice is that I can sprint for a short time, but horrible at above 100meters. I suck at running. I did this aerobic cooper test. here is the pre test results

waist/stomach, 33 in
pelvis/hip 39 in

In 1 minute: I got
1.35 push ups. Is this the same as bench press?
2.11 abdominal curls-this is worse. 6 months ago I got like 40 abdominal curls(for the same pre test). I don't know what happend.
3. When sitting, legs against the wall-the test to see if my hands could reach the wall, only my knuckles could reach the wall. I manage to reach the wall by bending a bit my legs:(

What is incline press? bicep curls? military press?
Out of shape. So I don't think I could do some ultra hard training.
I fast for a month(eat before dawn, eat again at dusk. Helps saves money :D. That was good for I was from 70 to 66kg now. Today still fasting. I will fast for the next 5 days. Then I will start with the work. I can do puch ups and curls.
Is it good to fast?
Forgot too add, after doing the 1 minute test. My arms are like cramp/strain. I still feel it. Maybe cause there is no warmup before doing the test.
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Start with a full body weight training program...this will give your body a little adaptation period..not to mention you will be less liekly to quit from the muscle soreness :)

It could be something like this:

Leg press
Calf raises
Lat pulldown
Bench press
Shoulder press or db lateral raises
Bicep curls
Tricep cable pushdowns

These exercises may change ....stick to machines if you have very little or no experience with free weights, and you can progress to free weights later. You can do 2 sets of 12 reps for each exercise. After you have done this for a couple of weeks, try doing it in a circuit...1 set of one exercise after the other without rest and then repeat a second time. This will keep your heart rate elevated throughout the workout and give you a littel cardio boost ;)

Good luck!
When I do abdominal curls, I can't do a complete one. Whenever I try to get up, I feel pain at mu stomach area. I don't know why. But the more I try to get up, the more pain I feel. I also notice that when trying to do push ups its also the same. how to get rid of this pain. What is this pain?
Wow, you need a lot of work there man! If you cannot complete one abdominal curl then you really need to start busting your ass to get in shape my friend! This pain is just the burn you feel in your abdominals when you work them. It takes most people a few sets to feel this burn, but you're a little out of shape. You need to conccentrate on things other than abdominal curls and crunches right now. Just because you have a gut doesn't mean that you work your stomache to death, because that won't work at all. I don't think you are listening to the information that everyone is trying to give you here. YOU CANNOT SPOT REDUCE! That means that you cannot pick the area you wish to lose fat from. You need to focus on your diet, which means eating lots fresh vegetables, a few fresh fruits, lean meats, and very few processed foods. Next, you need to focus on your cardiovascular workout. You need to jog, sprint, bicycle, ect. for 30 minutes a day, 3-4 days a week. Then, you need to start weightlifting. I already posted a workout for you, so you should really concentrate on those lifts and finding someone or something to show you how to perform these lifts. You need to get your total body fat percentage down to get rid of that gut. If you simply do crunches and abdominal work every day you are not going to see ANY results. Actually, your stomache may actually get bigger because you will push that fat further out to the surface. Sadly most people these days are looking for the easy way out. The quick fix for things. They want to sit down and do crunches for an hour and expect to look like a bowflex model. The benefits of a total body workout combined with cardiovascular activity are grandiose. You will have more confidence, feel better, get ill less, have a better self image, and the list goes on. But none of this will come from doing crunches and eating big macs, sorry.