Need help loosing weight (Currently : 115kg, 5,6 inch,20 year old)


New member
Hey. Im from India. And i need your help.

This is me :
-116 Kg weight
-5 6 inch height
- Stomach - 133 cm
- Chest - 125.5 cm
- Waist - 120.5 cm
-Thighs - 75.5

All those were measured at home.

I need to lose weight. Im fat overall. My chest is heavy, and my stomach is big. My legs are fat too.

From the past 1 month i have tried to do anything i can do to cut down.

My current diet plan that i made myself and have been following for 2 weeks:

Breakfast : Cornflakes (low fat milk + 1 spoon sugar)
No snacks

Lunch : 1 Egg using half yolk cooked without oil + 1 slice of brown bread + ketchup + 1 cup of coffe ( low fat milk , no sugar)

Snack : Tea ( indian tea without sugar)

Dinner : 1 salad bowl (1 capsicum + 1 cucumber + 2 tomatos + 1 guvava ( or apple) + 1 Carrot) + 1 Bowl of Curry of any Dal ( indian)

I measured the calories of this diet and and it comes under 800-850 calories.

My exercise :
I go to my terrace every evening and do these :
- 10-15 min laps around my terrace ( jogging with breaks, breaks not included in 15 mins)
- Crunches 2 sets of 20
- kick around a football for a while
- do few dumbbell(5kg each) exercises for chest

I cant afford any pricey pills or diet food, so im sticking to what i have.

But even after 2 weeks, im not seeing any change in my weight. I check my weight on a scale every morning and at times i see it 5kgs more that before ( scale is not broken)

Someone guide me.

Im willing to cut back on food even futher, i dont mind.

Please help me out with diet plans, or excercise patterns that u honestly beleive are doable. Dont tell me to run a mile, cuz i cant.

I am going to save up for gym from next year.

I need guidance.


Please dont troll here.
What age bracket are you in ?

In the meantime, at first glance I would say your diet looks a bit low in protein and your physical activity is not quite as extensive as you might require.

Not knowing your overall health or other medical conditions that should be considered before taking anybody's advice ...

You might consider trying something as follows (exercise & diet examples below)

Perform 5-minute Warm Up routine before beginning training.
Unless otherwise noted, select one (1) exercise for each body part.
Perform 1 Warm Up Set of 20 reps + 3 Working Sets of 12-10-8 reps.

Incline Barbell Press -OR- Incline Dumbbell Press

Machine Shoulder Press -OR- Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Triceps Pulley Pushdowns -OR- Triceps Extension Machine

Seated Pulley -OR- Seated Machine Rows -OR-Lat Pull downs

Barbell Curl -OR- Cambered Bar Curls -OR- Dumbbell Curls

Quadriceps (front of leg)
Leg Extensions (3 warm up sets) prior to primary exercise.
Angled Leg Press -OR- Seated Leg Press

Hamstrings (back of leg)
Lying Leg Curl -OR- Seated Leg Curl

Calf Stretch Raises (2 warm up sets) prior to primary exercise
Calf Machine -OR- Seated Calf Raises
Warm Up Set of 20 reps + 3 Working Sets of 12-12-12 reps

Crunches and Leg Raises and Lower Back Hyperextensions
One (1) set of 20 reps for each exercise

Treadmill -OR- Elliptical Machine
30 minutes in Target Heart Range

View attachment 21595

Hope this general example helps you find the right solution for you ..

Michael Spitzer
Fitness at 40,50,60 and Beyond
Hey Mike,
Thank you for replying.

I have few questions :-

1. I see u have put alot of focus on weight training. Do u think that's viable and good in my position?

2. The diet chart u mentioned has mentioned alot of fat. Correct me if im wrong, dont I already have alot of it?

3. The diet chart mentioned a lot of protein, wouldn't that be heavy for my health?

4. There Is alot of meat, which can get expensive for me on a daily basis. .
The answers to your questions will depend on several things ...

1) Your age

2) Any pre-existing health concerns or special allergies

3) 40 grams of fat is not too much for a person of your size .. assuming it is healthier fats and not stuff like deep frier grease (smile)

4) Also remember do NOT confuse dietary fat with body fat ... 2 different things

5) I advocate a combination of 3 things Lean Protein Diet + Resistance Training + Cardio as a full well rounded way to stay fit AND control weight.

The resistance training builds and preserves muscle tissue which keeps your metabolic rate up to par

Most people who only rely on cutting calories and and some running often get into a trap that they get a "drawn" look
It is called "skinny fat people"
They then need to keep cutting calories and/or running longer and longer to maintain weight loss
It can become a vicious cycle and trap.

Working with people over 40 for example, I have seen this 3 part combination is the most complete well rounded approach to losing weight, being tight and toned, looking good, feeling good, maintaining flexibility, etc...
But I should stress, my suggestion is by no means the only way to achieve your goals.
There is more than one road that leads to successful weight loss

I only described one way that I know works with 99.99% success for people I know have followed it.
Hey man, I've been in your shoes. i've been in the almost exact same position. Had skinny friends and was made fun of and girls never took a second look at me. None the less i want to give you some simple advice that if you follow it, you will turn your life around.

- First: you have to make the decision for yourself that your going to commit to this lifestyle of fitness and health
- Second: You can workout and do all that as much as you want and get nowhere; unless you eat correctly
And I'm not talking about any crazy dieting or starving or anything of that nature.
Eat whole foods, real meat and vegetables try to cut out processed sugar and wheat products.
Things like chicken, red meat, broccoli, sweet potatoes, brown rice and things of that nature.

A book that Changed my Life... How i think about my life and fines and nutrition

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The answers to your questions will depend on several things ...

1) Your age

2) Any pre-existing health concerns or special allergies

3) 40 grams of fat is not too much for a person of your size .. assuming it is healthier fats and not stuff like deep frier grease (smile)

4) Also remember do NOT confuse dietary fat with body fat ... 2 different things

5) I advocate a combination of 3 things Lean Protein Diet + Resistance Training + Cardio as a full well rounded way to stay fit AND control weight.

The resistance training builds and preserves muscle tissue which keeps your metabolic rate up to par

Most people who only rely on cutting calories and and some running often get into a trap that they get a "drawn" look
It is called "skinny fat people"
They then need to keep cutting calories and/or running longer and longer to maintain weight loss
It can become a vicious cycle and trap.

Working with people over 40 for example, I have seen this 3 part combination is the most complete well rounded approach to losing weight, being tight and toned, looking good, feeling good, maintaining flexibility, etc...

My age is 20.

I dont have any heath conditions or allergies.

Is there any subsitute to the bacon or and chicken ? Preferably vegetarian? Since i cant afford to have meat daily since its expensive where i am.

Im going to start with the workout you mentioned from jan 1.

Thank you.
As you know, it is a bit more challenging to get your protein from vegetables but it can be done ...

Complete vegetable sources include ..


And of course if available to you, whey protein powders might be an option if acceptable and affordable

Michael Spitzer
Fitness at 40,50,60 and Beyond
Hi why don't you try the clean 9 detox package. Which is what I used. I am in your age bracket also. And it is a nine day programme. I lost 11lb. Ask me on further details if you're interested xx
If you don't want to physical exercises then you can choose surgical procedure which is called as Liposuction. Through this procedure your over weight can be reduced but it takes some extent.