Sport Need help growing

Sport Fitness

Im 15 in about a month and im still quite short. Haven't had my growth spurt yet and im not sure i ever will. Just wondering if there is any food or vitamins that can be taken to increase your growth rate or somehing like that.

Dude, what is this, the like, fifth time you've asked this question?

Exercise, eat, sleep well. That's all you can do.
You're 15 and concerned? I was 5'3 until senior year. Shoot- I didn't have any hair on my um... armpits when I was 15. Just simmer down nah.
tonymcclellan said:
I've posted this before, ankle weights while hanging from the pull up bar.


You're 15 and concerned? I was 5'3 until senior year. Shoot- I didn't have any hair on my um... armpits when I was 15. Just simmer down nah.


Just relax. Being tiny is nothing.