Need help getting started - dumbbells only

I won't go into too much detail, but long story short, I currently only have access to dumbbells and would like to weight train using them. I generally just want to build up my arms, and if possible my pecs as well. If anything else can be improved with dumbbells, then that as well, but arms and pecs are my first and second priorities, respectively.

I really don't know where to start though with actual exercises or anything. What are some good exercises I can do routinely that will provide a solid and well balanced work out to more or less every visible muscle in my arms and pecs? I don't want just to end up with a strong bicep, for instance, I want my whole arm to be well developed and muscular. So I would like some info one exercises I can do that will accomplish that. Thanks.
take a look at this, lots of good ideas here

h t t p : / / w w w . s p o r t - f i t n e s s - a d v i s o r . c o m / d u m b b e l l e x e r c i s e s . h t m l

(take the spaces out of the adress as this site wont let me post links untill 15 posts or something like that)

hope that helps
You can work out your whole body with just dumbells. Various biceps curls, triceps extentions and kickbacks, forearm curls and wrist rotations, lateral raises, dumbell military press, high pulls, bent over rows, tland your benches. Then you got squats, lunges, pistals, dumbell dead lifts. I'd suggest get a fitness balls and a chair to go with them db's and your all set.
8-12 reps/ 3-4 sets with moderate to heavy weight and don't forget to eat, eating is key.