Need help getting fit?

I have been smoking for years now, I have quit now and haven't had a cig in about 2 weeks, so its time to get fit.
I have to run a mile and a half in under 11 mins but at the minute can't do it. I can get to about 1.25 in the time but always struggle like hell. I have been doing interval training 4 times a week so far however I don't think i have been doing it long enough to see results.
I do 1min walk then 1min jog then 1min walk then 1min sprint for 20 minutes. I have read on this website though that you should only do it a few times a week?

If anyone could offer me advice then that would be great. I got a training booklet that touches on running for periods of time rather than intervals. E.g running comfortably for 10mins week1, 15mins week 2 etc etc. I was wondering if going for a run on road for 10-20mins one day then interval the next day at gym, then back on road, then back at gym for 5 days a week would work to get fitter?

Any help appreciated.
OK, question 1 why do you have to run a mile and a half in under 1 minutes? Is it for an entry test with a definite time or for your own pleasure? Each are fully valid reasons, just curious.
General thing with training is always try to go above target in separate ways. So for you there is a combination of distance and speed so you are well served going over that distance at lower speed to get used to distance and faster than the just over 8mph you are aiming for on shorter distances. This combined with intervals will be a good way to get what you want.
One possible thing to try. Run at 8.5mph as long as you can, take note of the distance for monitoring, then slow down to a something very comfortable, even if it is barely over walking pace and keep running, not walking, until you have covered 2 or 3 miles. This is not for a total beginner and is hard work. It does however get you used to running faster over distance. You will be surprised how fast the distance you are covering at the higher than target speed increases.
I did similar stuff when wanting to build up my pace but my distance was higher so it was scaled up. I was doing intervals and general running too, so I would have to say it was the combination not this alone that did it for me.
Thanks for the response and the 11 minute thing is for one of the armed forces I intend to joib, I have about 4 months? To train for it, as I said at the minute I'm just topping about 1.25miles in the time given however sad to say it being an ex rugby player ( someone who could actually run without dieing, lol ) I can't do the full 11 minutes running. The 1.25 mile had some walking in it. When I did it yesterday I jogged for the main bulk but had to walk for a minute then sprint to make up for the walking. Out of interest having no idea about it, are the speed levels on treadmills in mph/kph? Or just levels set by the company?

So keep running at 8.5 until my fatigue gets the better of me then slow it down to a jog essentially for a further 2-3 miles?

Thanks for reply by the way:beerchug:
If you are finding it hard to keep running for the distance, you definitely need to do some slower work for a higher distances.
I've been flattened by a few rugby players, so know you are sprinters not distance runners. Means if you didn't catch me in a fields length I'd be gone but on the field that was irrelevant and I got caught every time, gits.
8.5 until fatigue gets the better of you then slow it down to a jog essentially for the remainder of 2-3 miles. Much as anything else it can be demotivating if the slow distance is the same regardless. Sometimes you find more just by knowing that’s some you won't have to jog, This seems insane, but I'll guarantee the thought enters your head at least once, be warned that way lies madness.
Do not give up. More importantly do not frustrated easily. Each of every thing in this world need time to shape or adjust. You are at very initial phase of this journey. That's why it is very normal that you are struggling now. Don't worry when you become used to it would not trouble you any more.

Now i would like to suggest you that you need to continue your current routine more or less at least one month regularly. Just make sure it should be regular from today. After one month try to go little bit advanced label. If you walk 15 minutes in the morning now then walk 20 minutes in the morning after one month. Don't worry you would be surprised and see that how your body adopt your change. You would feel better after that.
what book are you following?